Friday, November 03, 2006

Christian Student Has Partial Win In Suit Against North Carolina High School

Yesterday in Arthurs v. Sampson County Board of Education, (ED NC, Nov. 2, 2006), a North Carolina federal district court issued a temporary injunction preventing the Sampson, NC school board from enforcing two policies on the distribution of written materials by students in Midway High School. One prohibited distribution of materials expressing religious preferences or beliefs. The other gave complete discretion to the school principal to approve written material that was handed out in the school. The court, however, refused plaintiff's request for a temporary injunction to force rewriting of the school's dress code, finding that it does not ban the wearing of religious themed T-shirts. The lawsuit was filed by a student who was not permitted to hand out Day of Truth cards presenting a Christian view on homosexuality. (See prior posting.) An Alliance Defense Fund release discusses the court's ruling, as does an article in yesterday's Charlotte Observer.