Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Rabbi At Center of RLUIPA Fight Profiled By Paper

Yesterday's Marin (CA) Independent Journal profiles Rabbi Lavey Derby, who is leading Tiburon, California's Congregation Kol Shofar in its RLUIPA battle over a permit for the expansion of the congregation's facilities. (See prior posting.) Rabbi Derby said, "We raised RLUIPA when it became clear the town was not understanding the real issues at stake here. They were good at understanding neighbors, but they weren't understanding the religious institution's stake here." Reflecting on the zoning controversy, Derby said: "I'm learning I'm becoming a more spiritually mature person through this experience."

UPDATE: The Nov. 16 Marin Independent Journal reports that Tiburon's Town Council has unanimously approved a set of compromise recommendations on the expansion of Kol Shofar synagogue.