Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Jackie Mason Settles Suit With Jews For Jesus

Comedian Jackie Mason yesterday dropped his $2 million lawsuit against Jews for Jesus in exchange for an apology from the group, according to an Associated Press report today. The New York Times reports that the settlement was reached after about 45 minutes of negotiation in the judge's chambers. Last month, a New York federal district court denied Mason's request for a preliminary injunction in his suit claiming that Jews for Jesus had misappropriated his image for advertising and trade purposes. (See prior posting.) Mason objected to a pamphlet put out by JFJ featuring his image next to the words "Jackie Mason ... A Jew for Jesus!?" with information inside on similarities between Jews and Christians. JFJ's letter offers "sincere apologies for any distress" the pamphlet had caused, and says that JFJ is "willing in the interest of ahavat yisrael [love of Israel] and shalom [peace] to retire this particular evangelistic tract."