GP: What about the points he brings up in the book and in his comments about the MB?
Habib: Those ideas are talked about now among intellectuals in Egypt, which call for the separation of politics and religion. This came from ignorance of the nature of Islam. Islam is a whole system. It is a complete system that consists of politics, literature, economics, etc.... Therefore, you have to accept it as a whole. There is no such thing as political work separated from religion or else we become like those who are different.
Objective coverage of church-state and religious liberty developments, with extensive links to primary sources.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Muslim Brotherhood On Politics and Religion
Today the Global Politician published an exclusive interview with Mohamed Habib, head of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, discussing the controversial book recently published by Dr. Ali Abd Al-Hafiz titled "Alternative Movement". (MB News). Particularly interesting is this exchange on government and religion: