Friday, February 08, 2008

Two ADF Suits Settled; Student Religious Groups Prevail

Settlement has been reached in two separate lawsuits that were filed by the Alliance Defense Fund challenging restrictions imposed on student religious groups. In one case, Georgia's Savannah State University has agreed to allow the Christian student group "Commissioned II Love" to return to campus. (Feb. 1 Release). Suit was filed after the University claimed the group violated university rules by badgering members of fraternities and sororities to accept Jesus, and by activities at a retreat where current members, imitating Jesus, would wash the feet of new members. (See prior posting).

In a second unrelated case, a Vermont school district has agreed to furnish the Youth Alive religious club with an advisor, a minimal budget and recognition in the school district’s list of activities. Yesterday's Addison County (VT) Independent reports that under the settlement, nearly finalized, Middlebury Union High School will grant Youth Alive essentially the same benefits as other co-curricular clubs. A lawsuit filed last October charged the school district with violations of the Equal Access Act as well as the 1st and 14th Amendments. (See prior posting.)