Saturday, July 25, 2009

Evangelist Tony Alamo Convicted On Mann Act Charges

Yesterday in Texarkana, Arkansas, Christian evangelist Tony Alamo was convicted in federal court on ten charges of violating the Mann Act by taking underage girls across state lines to have sex with them. According to the AP, five women, now age 17 to 33, testified that Alamo "married" them in private ceremonies while they were minors. They also told of trips outside of Arkansas with Alamo for sexual purposes. According to an earlier AP report, Alamo chose not to testify on his own behalf at trial. After the jury's verdict was read yesterday, Alamo was taken to a waiting U.S. Marshall's vehicle. He shouted to reporters: "I'm just another one of the prophets that went to jail for the Gospel." The charges against Alamo were filed after authorities last year raided the Arkansas compound of his Tony Alamo Christian Ministries as part of a child pornography investigation. (See prior posting.)