Monday, August 10, 2009

"In God We Trust" Proposal Withdrawn By City Commission In Florida

Kissimmee, Florida's City Commission last week changed its mind about a proposal to add "In God We Trust" to the city's logo. While the proposal passed on the first of two readings, public and business reaction caused the Commission to pass another resolution instructing city staff to stop work on designing the new logo. The Orlando Sentinel reported last week that the proposed ordinance was withdrawn after comments by its proponent, Commissioner Art Otero, caused the city to be ridiculed. Otero told a reporter that he proposed the change because he feared the country was moving toward "liberal postures such as homosexuality, gay marriage, abortion and the legalization of marijuana." Supporters of the ordinance are angry that they were not given notice of the proposal to kill the change, and they threaten a drive to get a referendum on the issue. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]