Friday, February 05, 2010

Trial of Geert Wilders Proceeds With Pared Down Witness List

The trial of Dutch right-wing politician Geert Wilders for inciting hatred and and discrimination against Muslims and non-Western immigrants, and insulting Muslims will proceed in Amsterdam. (See prior related posting.) Al Jazerra reported Wednesday that a Dutch court rejected Wilders' claim of Parliamentary immunity, ruling that immunity does not extend to statements made outside of Parliamentary meetings. The court also cut down on the witnesses that Wilders may call. Part of Wilders' defense is that he was speaking the truth. According to Dutch News today, Wilders wanted to call 18 witnesses. However the court has limited him to three experts on Islam, including American Syrian psychiatrist Wafa Sultan who believes that the world is engaged in a battle between modernity and barbarism that Islam will lose. The witnesses will be heard by an examining judge in proceedings that will be closed to the public.