Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Developments In Rubashkin Trials

Last week, a two-day sentencing hearing for Sholom Rubashkin, former executive at Agriprocessors, Inc.'s Iowa kosher meat packing plant, was concluded. It is expected that the federal court will hand down a sentence on the 86 counts of financial fraud later this month. (See prior related posting.) At the hearing, Rubashkin, an Orthodox Jew, told the judge that he had "faith in God that mercy and justice will be done." (Des Moines Register, 4/30). According to the WCF Courier (4/30), prosecutors asked for a 25-year sentence, not the effective life sentence that had been recommended in a controversial sentencing report filed earlier. Defense attorneys asked for no more than six years.

On Monday, Rubashkin was moved to a county jail for the beginning of his state trial on 83 misdemeanor child labor charges. However, according to yesterday's Des Moines Register, Rubashkin has not eaten since noon Monday because the food at the Black Hawk County jail does not meet his religious requirements for kosher food. The county sheriff agreed to meet with a rabbi to discuss Rubashkin's religious needs. Judge Nathan Callahan says he will not delay the trial, even if he has to proceed without Rubashkin being present.