Friday, July 16, 2010

Vatican Issues New Document on "Grave Delicts"

AP reports that the Vatican yesterday issued a new set of guidelines on handling of clergy sexual abuse claims and other "grave delicts." The document (full text) mostly codifies present practice. It extends the statute of limitations to 20 years, and provides for a possible extension beyond that on a case by case basis. It includes child pornography as well as sexual abuse as a grave crime. Critics were unhappy with the new document because it does not address the obligation of bishops to report abuse to civil authorities, does not provide for punishment of those who cover up abuse, and does not include a "one strike and you are out" policy. The document also classifies the ordination of women as a grave crime, subject to the same procedures as sex abuse claims, and also covers canonical crimes such as desecrating the Eucharist, violating the seal of the confessional, apostasy, heresy and schism.