Ulman v Live Group Pty Ltd., (New South Wales Ct. App., Dec. 20, 2018), the Court of Appeals of the Australian state of New South Wales held, in a 2-1 decision, that the rabbis and registrar of a Jewish religious court (
Beth Din) were properly held in criminal contempt of a secular court for attempting to force adjudication of a commercial dispute in the Beth Din rather than in civil courts. The court however reduced the fines imposed for the contempt to a total of $25,000. In the case, the Beth Din had informed the attorney representing the business being summoned to appear:
Unless by 5pm January 26 2017 the Beth Din hears from you on behalf of your client that he has recanted and that he acquiesces to the Beth Din process in accordance with Jewish Law, (which is indeed compatible with secular law), the following halachic sanctions will apply and the Synagogue/s where he prays will be informed accordingly.
1. He will not be counted to a minyan.
2. He will not be able to receive an aliyah to the Torah.
3. He will not be offered any honour in the Synagogue.
J-Wire reports on the decision