Yesterday, American Atheists released a report titled 2020 State of the Secular States (full text). Assessing last year's developments, the 88-page report says in part:
Although state legislation did not significantly impact religious equality in 2020, that same cannot be said for the courts. We saw fundamental changes to the law of church-state separation in the courts this year, most of it extremely negative from a separationist perspective. The U.S. Supreme Court all but struck down the numerous state constitutional protections that limit the flow of public money to religious private schools, while at the same time greatly expanding the ability of religious organizations to evade nondiscrimination protections. And the lower courts granted exemption after exemption to religious organizations, allowing them to meet even in defiance of emergency restrictions by state governors, even at risk to public health.
The report describes its approach to analyzing last year's developments:
This report identifies four categories of public policy in each state that affect religious equality: Constitutional & Nondiscrimination Protections, Education & Youth, Health Care & Wellness, and Special Privileges for Religion. We assess nearly 50 related law and policy measures in each state as well as Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. The states have been grouped into three broad categories, but they have not been individually ranked.