Monday, March 24, 2025

Kansas House Condemns Planned Satanic Black Mass at Statehouse

On March 20, the Kansas state House of Representatives adopted House Resolution 6016 (full text) denouncing a Black Mass planned by the Satanic Grotto for the statehouse grounds. The permit that was granted insisted that the event be held outdoors, though the leader of the Satanic Group threatens to try to move it inside in violation of the permit. The House Resolution that passed by a vote of 101-15 reads in part:

WHEREAS, The Kansas House of Representatives acknowledges and respects that the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees all citizens the right to assemble and the freedom of speech, even as it expresses its profound disagreement with actions that mock or desecrate sacred beliefs; and

WHEREAS, The planned satanic worship ritual is an explicit act of anti-Catholic bigotry and an affront to all Christians. It blasphemes our shared values of faith, decency and respect that strengthen our communities: Now, therefore,

Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas: 

That we denounce the planned satanic worship ritual scheduled to take place on the grounds of the people's house, the Kansas state capitol grounds, on March 28, 2025, as a despicable, blasphemous and offensive sacrilege to not only Catholics but all people of goodwill, and it runs contrary to the spiritual heritage of this state and nation; and 

Be it further resolved: That we call upon all Kansans to promote unity, mutual respect and the values that uphold our identity as one nation under God;....

According to the Topeka Capital-Journal:

Kansas City, Kansas, [Archbishop] Joseph Naumann accused the Satanic Grotto of stealing a consecrated host,... in a civil lawsuit. But Naumann dropped the lawsuit after Michael Stewart, president of the Satanic Grotto, testified that the wafers were lawfully purchased.