Showing posts with label Blasphemy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blasphemy. Show all posts

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Egypt Holds 4 Coptic High Schoolers On Blasphemy Charges

Fox News reported yesterday on four 15 to 16 year old Coptic Christian boys being held by authorities in Egypt on blasphemy charges, apparently because of a 32-second video clip they made mocking an ISIS beheading. The video was made on their teacher's cell phone while the boys were on a school-related religious excursion. In early April, Muslim residents of the boys' village of Al-Nasriyah filed a complaint and their teacher was arrested. Negotiations between Christians and Muslims in the community led to the Copts banning the teacher from the community. Meanwhile marches and attacks on homes and businesses by local Muslims forced parents of the four boys to turn them over to authorities. (A fifth boy escaped the village.) Last week a judge refused to release the four boys so they could take their year-end exams, holding them for two more weeks while the investigation continues.

Friday, May 08, 2015

Norway Repeals Its Blasphemy Law

According to Sputnik News, this week the Norwegian Parliament officially repealed the country's blasphemy law.  Section 142 of Norway's General Civil Penal Code had provided:
Any person who by word or deed publicly insults or in an offensive or injurious manner shows contempt for any creed whose practice is permitted in the realm or for the doctrines or worship of any religious community lawfully existing here, or who aids and abets thereto, shall be liable to fines or to detention or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months. A prosecution will only be instituted when it is required in the public interest.
While attempts at repeal have been made since 2009, the repeal now came to support free speech after the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris in February.  Sponsors of the repeal argued that the blasphemy law created a perception that religious expression was entitled to special protection. Repeal was opposed by some Christian spokesmen.  The last time anyone was actually charged under the Norwegian law was in 1933. Writer Arnulf Ă˜verland was acquitted of charges growing out of his lecture titled "Christianity, the tenth plague." [Thanks to Center for Inquiry for the lead.]

Monday, May 04, 2015

Muhammad Drawing Exhibit In Texas Ends As 2 Gunmen Attempt Attack and Are Killed

In Garland, Texas Sunday night, a controversial Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest sponsored by Pamela Geller's American Freedom Defense Initiative ended in violence as two gunmen opened fire outside the event venue, wounded a security guard, and were killed in return fire by police.  According to the Dallas Morning News, the guard who was shot was released from the hospital after being treated for a leg wound. The identities of the two gunmen had not yet been made public late Sunday. According to an earlier report by the Dallas Morning News, the Exhibit was booked at Garland's Curtis Cultural Center after the Center hosted Sound Vision Foundation’s Stand With the Prophet in Honor and Respect event.  The contest offered a top prize of $10,000 for the best drawing, and received around 350 entries. (Depicting Muhammad is seen as offensive by some schools of Muslim thought.) The winner of AFDI's contest was cartoonist Basch Fawstin who has posted his winning cartoon on his website. The keynote speaker at the event was right-wing Dutch politician  Geert Wilders who told the audience: "We are here in defiance of Islam to stand for our rights and freedom of speech."

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Burmese Court Gives 30 Month Sentences To Bar Owner and Manager For Buddha Facebook Ad

BBC News reported yesterday that a court in Myanmar has found the manager of the upscale VGastro Bar in Yangon (a New Zealander), along with the bar's owner and a colleague (both Burmese), guilty of intentionally plotting to insult religious belief by uploading to Facebook an ad that depicted a psychedelic mock-up of the Buddha wearing DJ headphones.  The ad promoted a cheap drinks night. The bar owner claimed the posting was the responsibility of the bar manager. The three men have been in jail since they were denied bail last December. (See prior posting.)  Each was now sentenced to two-and-one-half years in prison, apparently 6 months longer than the prescribed maximum sentence under Myanmar Penal Code Sec. 295A. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Trial of Egyptian Poet Over Facebook Posting Begins

Reuters reports that an initial hearing in the trial of poet Fatima Naoot was held yesterday in Egypt. She is charged with contempt of Islam, spreading sectarian strife and disturbing public peace because of a Facebook post criticizing the Muslim practice of slaughtering animals on the Feast of the Sacrifice-- a day celebrating Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son.  Naoot's post said:
Millions of innocent creatures will be driven to the most horrible massacre committed by humans for ten-and-a-half centuries.A massacre which is repeated every year because of the nightmare of a righteous man about his good son.
If convicted, the poet could receive up to three years in jail.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Facebook Ad In Burma Lands Bar Managers In Jail For Insulting Religion

A court in Yangon, Burma yesterday denied bail to the owner and two managers of VGastro, a new upscale bar and tapas restaurant in the city's embassy area who are charged with insulting religion through an ad on the bar's Facebook page.  AFP reports that the offensive ad depicted a psychedelic mock-up of the Buddha wearing DJ headphones to promote a cheap drinks night.  The three defendants were charged with violating Myanmar Penal Code Sec. 295 (defiling a sacred object with the intent to insult religion) and Sec. 295A (insulting religious beliefs through written words or representations). Each charge carries a punishment of up to two years in prison.  The court ruled that these were no-bail offenses and remanded the men into custody until the next hearing on Dec.18.  A monk speaking for the Burmese Patriot Monks Union said: "We will wait and see what action the authorities take. We will do what we need to, if the authorities do not take action."

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Burma Sues Author For Insultig Buddhism

In Burma last month, an official of the Department of Immigration in northwestern Chaung-U Township, at the request of local Buddhist clergy, filed a lawsuit against prominent writer and National League for Democracy member Htin Lin Oo, charging him with violation of Burmese statutes prohibiting the causing of religious offense.  Irrawaddy reported yesterday on the suit filed Nov. 20 which grew out of a two-hour speech that Htin Lin Oo delivered at a literary event on Oct. 23.  In the speech, he decried those who use Buddhism as an excuse for prejudice and discrimination. When a 10-minute excerpt from the speech was widely shared on social media, the Patriotic Buddhist Monks Union issued statement denouncing it. Htin Lin Oo says that people should listen to the entire speech before they react.  The suit charges Htin Lin Oo with violating Myanmar Penal Code Sec. 295-A (Deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs), and Sec. 298 (Uttering words, etc; with deliberate intent to wound religious feelings).

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Pakistan Appeals Court Upholds Christian Woman's Death Sentence For Blasphemy

In Pakistan on Thursday, in a high-profile case a 2-judge panel of the High Court in Lahore upheld the death sentence on blasphemy charges that had been imposed in 2010 on a Christian woman, Asia Bibi.  Morning Star News and World Watch Monitor carry extensive reports on the decision. The charges against Bibi (who is also known as Aasiya Noreen) grew out of her alleged response to Muslim co-workers in a berry field who told her to convert to Islam after one of the workers insisted that Bibi had made the water she brought to them impure by touching it. An appeal to the Supreme Court is planned, but it will probably not be heard for at least three years.  Death sentences are rarely actually carried out in blasphemy cases in Pakistan, though the accused and their lawyers are often victims of vigilante violence.  Concern continues over Bibi's safety even as she is held in prison. In 2011, Salman Taseer, governor of Punjab province, was assassinated by one of his own security guards who was angered by Taseer's support for a pardon for Bibi. (See prior posting.)

Friday, October 03, 2014

Ireland Will Have Vote On Removing Blasphemy From Constitution

Last year, Ireland's Convention on the Constitution recommended that a referendum be held on whether to replace the current constitutional provision on blasphemy with a general provision banning incitement to religious hatred. (See prior posting.)  Yesterday, according to The Journal, the government announced that it accepted the recommendation that the people vote on whether to remove the offense of blasphemy from the Constitution. A government spokesman said that it is still an open question whether the proposed constitutional amendment will also call for replacing the ban on blasphemy with a prohibition on incitement to religious hatred. A date has not been set for the referendum.  It will apparently require a law be enacted by the Oireachtas.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Pennsylvania Boy Charged With Desecrating Venerated Object After Facebook Photo of Simulated Sex With Jesus Statue

In Everett, Pennsylvania last week police charged a 14-year old boy with violating Pennsylvania's ban on desecration of venerated objects (18 Pa. Cons. Stat. § 5509) after he posted photos on Facebook showing him simulating oral sex with a statue of Jesus. According to a Pennsylvania State Police Report, the incident took place in July, and charges were filed in Juvenile Court on Sept. 9. Queerty reports that the statue belongs to the Christian organization Love In the Name of Christ.  An organization spokesman says it does not believe the boy should be prosecuted, and asked instead "for prayer for the young man."

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Saudi Appeals Court Upholds Harsh Blasphemy Sentence

AFP reports that an appellate court in Saudi Arabia has upheld a sentence of ten years in jail, 1000 lashes, and a fine equivalent to nearly $267,000 (US) imposed on the founder of a liberal human rights group. The sentence was imposed on Raef Badawi for "creating a website insulting Islam," and criticizing the religious police.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Egyptian Appeals Court Imposes Jail Sentence On Teacher For Allegedly Insulting Islam

In Egypt on Sunday, a appellate court sentenced a 23-year old Coptic Christian elementary school teacher to 6 months in jail for insulting Islam.  According to Arutz Sheva, the head of the parents' association at a Luxor school filed a complaint last May against teacher Demiana Emad claiming that she told her students that the late Coptic pope Shenuda III was better than the Prophet Mohammed. However an Egyptian civil rights group says she only presented a lesson in comparative religion. A trial court had imposed a fine equivalent to approximately $14,000 (US) on the teacher.  Both she and the state appealed, and the appellate court imposed the heavier sentence. Apparently an additional appeal can still be filed.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Man Accused of Blasphemy In Pakistan Killed While In Police Custody

In Pakistan today, a 65-year old man who had been accused of blasphemy was shot dead by a teenager. According to Reuters:
Victim Khalil Ahmad was a member of the minority Ahmadi community, a sect who say they are Muslim but whose religion is rejected by the Pakistani state.
Ahmad and three other Ahmadis had asked a shopkeeper in their village in central Pakistan earlier this week to remove inflammatory stickers denouncing their community.... In retaliation, the shopkeeper filed blasphemy charges against the four men on May 12. Ahmad, a father of four, was in police custody when the teenage boy walked in, asked to see him, and shot him dead....
Some mullahs in Pakistan encourage the killing of Ahmadis.

Thursday, May 08, 2014

In Pakistan, Human Rights Lawyer Murdered For Defending Client Accused of Blasphemy

In Pakistan's southern city of Multan yesterday, gunmen posing as clients shot and killed human rights lawyer Rashid Rehman for representing a defendant accused of blasphemy.  Reuters reports that Rehman was representing Junaid Hafeez, a lecturer in English, who has been in jail after being accused by student groups of making blasphemous remarks against the Prophet Mohammed. During court proceedings last month, three people threatened Rehman with death.  Pamphlets distributed in Multan this morning said that the lawyer had met his "rightful end" for attempting to "save someone who disrespected the Prophet Mohammed". The pamphlet added: "We warn all lawyers to be afraid of god and think twice before engaging in such acts." This is apparently the first time that a lawyer has been killed in Pakistan for taking on a blasphemy case, though defendants have often been killed before trial and attacks have previously been carried out on judges and supportive politicians.

Saudi Online Liberal Religious Activist Gets Increased Sentence On Retrial

Reuters and International Business Times report that yesterday Saudi Arabian online activist Raif Badawi was sentenced to 1000 lashes, ten years in prison and a fine equivalent to $266.600 (US) in his retrial on charges of "setting up a website that undermines general security " and "ridiculing Islamic religious figures".  Badawi is the co-founder of the Saudi Arabian Liberals website, set up to discuss liberal interpretations of Islam and political matters.  Originally he was sentenced to 7 years in prison and 600 lashes (see prior posting), but the sentence was overturned on appeal by Badawi's lawyers who argued that the sentence was too harsh.  The criminal court in the city of Jeddah however has now imposed an even harsher sentence. The prosecution's attempt to charge Badawi with apostasy (punishable by death) was dismissed in last year's original trial.

Monday, April 07, 2014

Christian Couple Sentenced To Death For Blasphemy By Pakistani Court

Christian Today reports that in Pakistan's Punjab province last month, a Christian couple were sentenced to death for sending blasphemous text messages after police allegedly forced a confession from the husband. The trial was held in prison due concerns about the couple's safety.  Shafqat Emmanuel who is confined to a wheel chair and his wife Shugufta Emmanuel who works as a cleaner at a local missionary school were charged with sending the messages to the two complainants, one of whom was a local bar association president.  The Emmanuel's lawyer says that the judge acted under pressure from Islamist lawyers who continually quoted Qur'anic verses calling for death to blasphemers. Shugufta told police that the cell phone had been lost for a month, and police did not produce the phone's SIM card.  Their lawyer also said that the couple could not have possibly sent the messages, written in Roman Urdu, since they cannot read or write Urdu properly. An appeal is planned once a detailed verdict is received.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Pakistani Court Sentences Christian Man To Death For Blasphemy

Reuters reported yesterday that a Pakistani court has convicted Sawan Masih of blasphemy and sentenced him to a fine and to death by hanging. Masih, a Christian, was charged with blasphemy last year after he allegedly made remarks against the Prophet Mohammed when he got into an argument with two men while drinking.  The incident led to Muslims burning down nearly 100 homes of Christians in Lahore. (See prior posting.) At least 16 people are on death row in Pakistan for blasphemy, but none have in fact been executed. 20 others are serving life sentences.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Random House Affiliate Agrees To Withdraw Scholar's Book On Hinduism To Settle Lawsuit In India

The New York Times and the Financial Times report that in India, the publisher  Penguin India (an affiliate of US publisher Penguin Random House) has agreed to settle a lawsuit brought against it by a Hindu activist group by withdrawing all unsold copies of The Hindus: An Alternative History.  The book, authored by University of Chicago Professor Wendy Doniger and published in 2009, was  criticized by a reviewer as over-eroticizing the religion.  In 2010, Dina Nath Batra, the head of Shiksha Bacho Andolan (Save Education Movement), filed a lengthy notice (full text) with the author detailing passages he found to be "shallow," "distorted" and "riddled with heresies and factual inaccuracies." The notice threatened legal action under Section 153, 153A, 295A, 298, 505(2) of Indian Penal Code. These provisions, among other things, bar insulting religious beliefs and promoting ill-will between religious groups. A lawsuit was filed in 2011, and apparently complaints were also filed with prosecutors.

Under the settlement (full text), Penguin will "recall and withdraw all copies of the book" and no longer "sell, publish or distribute" it.  The recalled copies will be "pulped" by Penguin. In exchange, plaintiffs will withdraw all "civil and criminal cases/ complaints." Currently the book remains listed on Penguin India's website.  Apparently the book will remain available in India on Kindle.  In a statement reacting to developments, Prof. Doniger criticized "Indian law, which makes it a criminal rather than civil offence to publish a book that offends any Hindu, a law that jeopardises the physical safety of any publisher, no matter how ludicrous the accusation."

Saturday, January 25, 2014

British Pakistani Sentenced To Death For Blasphemy In Pakistani Court; Sentence Unlikely To Be Carried Out

 In Pakistan on Thursday, a court in Rawalpindi sentenced a 70-year old British man, Muhammad Asghar, to death for blasphemy. According to DAWN, the court also imposed a fine of $9500 (US). Asghar was arrested in 2010 after he wrote letters to various people, including the police, claiming that he is a prophet.  The prosecutor said that Asghar made the same claim inside the courtroom.  According to BBC News, Asghar is a British Pakistani from Edinburgh who came back to Pakistan to look after his family's property. The complaint against him under Sec. 295-C of the Pakistan Penal Code was filed by a tenant who had been served with an eviction notice by Asghar.  Before returning to Pakistan, Asghar had been diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic, but a medical panel appointed by the court in Pakistan rejected the claim of mental illness.

The death sentence is unlikely to be carried out since Pakistan has had a de facto moratorium on the death penalty since 2008. Asghar's lawyer says his conviction will be appealed, and the British foreign office plans to raise its concerns with the Pakistani government. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Pakistani Court Imposes Death Sentence For Blasphemy On 2 Who "Saw God"

In Multan, Pakistan on Saturday, a trial court judge sentenced two men to death on blasphemy charges. According to Sunday's Express Tribune, 34-year old Riaz Ahmed and 38-year old Ijaz Ahmed in 2011 claimed they had seen God and invited others to join them in their union with God through Chaman Sarkar. The judge also fined each of the defendants the equivalent of $946 (US).