Showing posts with label Islamophobia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islamophobia. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

"Birther" Sues Obama Claiming Ebola Rules Aid Muslim Terrorism

A rather bizarre lawsuit was filed yesterday in federal district court in the District of Columbia charging President Obama and various federal health officials with acting recklessly in attempting to restrain the Ebola epidemic in order to aid Muslim terrorism and discriminate against Christian and Jewish Caucasian Americans. The suit was brought by Larry Klayman, an activist who has filed hundreds of lawsuits and who has been prominent in the anti-Obama "birther" movement. The complaint (full text) in Klayman v. Obama, (D DC, filed 10/14/2014), alleges seven causes of action ranging from providing material support for terrorists to civil rights claims and conspiracy to commit murder. It alleges that the CDC, at the direction of President Obam, is intentionally lying to the American public about the possibility of airborne transmission of Ebola.  The following excerpt gives a flavor of the allegations in the wide-ranging complaint:
Defendants actions in exposing Plaintiff to the Ebola virus as well as other Americans is the direct result of discrimination against Plaintiff on the basis of his Caucasian race and Jewish-Christian religion and in favor of people of the African-Black race and the Islamic religion.... Defendant Obama ... values an African-Black and Muslim life more than he does the lives of persons from the Caucasion or other races and religions, and this is reflected in his and the other Defendants’ actions with regard to allowing past and continued entry of persons from Ebola stricken Liberia and the rest of West Africa into the United States, despite the likelihood of an epidemic occurring.
Washington Post reports on the lawsuit.

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Suit Challenges MTA's Rejection of Anti-Hamas Ad

Reuters reported yesterday on a lawsuit filed by the American Freedom Defense Initiative claiming that its civil rights were violated when the New York City Metropolitan Transit Authority rejected its city bus ad that included the line: "Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah - Hamas MTV". The MTA says they rejected the ad because it may incite violence.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Arkansas Firing Range Says It is A "Muslim Free Zone"

An indoor firing range in Hot Springs, Arkansas has declared itself a "Muslim Free Zone." Jan Morgan, owner of The Gun Cave Indoor Firing Range and conservative online journalist sets out ten reasons for her decision, ranging from strange behavior recently by two Muslim patrons at her firing range to concern about ISIS and honor killings.  She says she has chosen to "err on the side of caution" since she has "no way of discerning which muslims will or will not kill in the name of their religion and the commands in their koran." Addressing the issue of religious discrimination, Morgan says: "I view Islam as a theocracy, not a religion." KRMG News says that comments are flooding the firing range's Facebook page in support of it decision.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Muslim Groups Denounce Anti-Islamist Ads That Will Appear on NYC Busses and Subway Stations

AlJazeera reported yesterday that Muslim groups are denouncing a series of six anti-Muslim, anti-Jihad ads that will appear on 100 New York buses and two subway entrances for the next four weeks, saying they equate all Muslims with extremism.  The ads, which reportedly cost some $100,000, were purchased by the American Freedom Defense Initiative, a group led by Pamela Geller. Five of the ads are pictured on AFDI's website.  One of the ads focuses on ISIL's radicalization of Westerners; another equates CAIR with Hamas; two others focus on promotion of anti-Christian and anti-Jewish views by Islamic countries; and one call Jihadists savages and urges support for Israel. An MTA spokesman says that court decisions (see prior posting) make it clear that under the First Amendment it must accept the ads unless they provoke violence or interfere with operations (which one proposed ad did).

Monday, May 19, 2014

DC Transit System Carries Competing Controversial Ads Sparked By Middle East Rivalries

The Washington Post reported last week on the latest round of competing advertising on the sides of Washington, DC's Metro buses.  In mid-March to mid-April, the Illinois-based group American Muslims for Palestine bought advertising space on the sides of 20 buses for an a banner ad featuring a drawing of Uncle Sam waving an Israeli flag, and reading: "We're Sweating April 15 So Israelis Don't Have To! Stop US Aid To Israel's Occupation!" In response to those ads which it described as "Jew-hating,"  the pro-Israel American Freedom Defense Initiative has purchased a month's worth of ads on the side of 20 buses beginning last Monday. Those ads feature a photo of Adolph Hitler with the mufti of Jerusalem who supported him, and read: "Islamic Jew-Hatred: It's In The Quran.Two-Thirds Of All US Aid Goes To Islamic Countries. Stop Racism. End All Aid To Islamic Countries."