Showing posts with label Jewish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jewish. Show all posts

Friday, December 13, 2013

Appeal In Ontario Court Seeks To Enforce Quebec Foster Care Order Against Alleged Jewish Religious Cult

As previously reported, last month the insular Orthodox Jewish sect Lev Tahor fled the Canadian province of Quebec and moved to Chatham-Kent, Ontario to avoid Quebec child welfare officials.  Some charge that Lev Tahor is a religious cult under control of its leader Rabbi Shlomo Helbrans. Now the Toronto Star reports that on Dec. 4, Chatham-Kent Children’s Services asked a Justice of the Peace for a warrant that would let them carry out a Quebec court order to place 14 Lev Tahor children in foster care under the guidance of Quebec child-welfare authorities. Quebec claims neglect, psychological abuse, poor nutrition, health problems and home schooling that fails to meet provincial standards.  The Ontario Justice of the Peace rejected the application for the warrant on Dec. 7, and Ontario authorities have filed an appeal.  A brief hearing on the appeal was held Wednesday, with a full hearing scheduled for Dec. 23. Meanwhile Lev Tahor will appeal the Quebec court ruling that first ordered the children into foster care even though they had been moved to Ontario.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Controversy Over U.S. Commitment To Return Collection of Jewish Documents To Iraq

Religion News Service reported yesterday on the growing controversy over what the United States should do with a trove of Jewish documents, books and scrolls found in 2003 by U.S. troops in Iraq.  The items (now known as the Iraqi Jewish Archive) were discovered in the flooded basement of Saddam Hussein’s Baghdad intelligence headquarters.  They were rescued and taken back to the United States for preservation and restoration pursuant to an August 2003 Agreement (full text) between the Coalition Provisional Authority and the National Archives. That Agreement called for the return of physical custody of the documents to the Coalition Provisional Authority or its designee once preservation work was completed and a public exhibition of the collection was held. (Art. I, Par. 4).  A 2011 agreement between the State Department and the National Archives (full text) indicates that the Coalition Provisional Authority designated the Iraqi Ministry of Culture as the agency responsible for the documents.

The State Department says these agreements call for the U.S. to return the collection (some of which are now on display in the National Archives Building in Washington) to Iraq in the Summer of 2014.  Groups in the Jewish community and members of Congress are questioning the State Department's plans.  A website set up by groups representing Middle Eastern and North African Jews argues:
There is no justification, nor logic, in sending these Jewish archives back to Iraq, a place that has virtually no Jews, no interest in Jewish heritage and no accessibility to Jewish scholars or the descendants of those who once possessed them.
A bi-partisan letter to Secretary of State Kerry (full text) signed by 47 members of Congress last month argues that the collection should be returned to the descendants of the Iraqi Jewish community outside of Iraq.  It is estimated that there are only 5 Jews left in Iraq today.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Security Guard Pleads Guilty to Federal Charges of Defacing Religious Objects

The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Tennessee announced that 25-year old Justin Baker yesterday pleaded guilty to violating the civil rights of students and faculty of the Margolin Hebrew Academy.  Baker, a security guard at a Jackson (TN) hotel, defaced a Torah and prayer books left in a hotel meeting room by students after they used the room to conduct a Sabbath service:
Baker admitted that while employed as a security guard at the hotel, he discovered the items in the room, and defaced the Torah, the prayer books, and the musical instruments with profanity, anti-Semitic phrases, and Satanic writing. He also admitted to spitting on the Torah. Photographic evidence presented during the hearing confirmed that the Torah was defaced with profanity and phrases including "Hail Satan."

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Insular Jewish Sect Leaves Quebec For Ontario To Escape Child Welfare and Education Officials

In Canada last Monday, 40 Orthodox Jewish families who are members of the fundamentalist, anti-Zionist Lev Tahor ("Pure Heart") sect left their homes in Quebec province and moved to Ontario to escape education and child welfare officials in Quebec. The Toronto Star reported yesterday that the evacuees, which included some 130 children, say they object to requirements that they teach a secular curriculum to their home-schooled children.  Provincial officials say their concerns were more about child neglect, psychological abuse, poor nutrition and health problems than about education.  They have forwarded evidence they collected to Ontario officials. The insular Lev Tahor sect-- whose women dress in black robes that cover them from head to toe and show only their faces-- are led by Shlomo Helbrans who some claim has created a mind-controlled cult.  Before re-establishing his group 13 years ago in Canada, Helbrans served a prison term in New York for second degree kidnapping. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

UPDATE: According to the Times of Israel, on Nov. 26 a Quebec juvenile court judge ruled that 14 children from the Lev Tahor community are to be placed in foster care for a month and examined by doctors and psychologists. Apparently this order can be used by Ontario authorities to get a court order to return the children to foster care in Quebec.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Jewish Leaders Criticize Bush 43's Decision To Speak At Messianic Jewish Fundraiser

CNN reports that Tevi Troy, George W. Bush's former Liaison to the Jewish Community is critical of the former president's decision to speak tonight at the fundraising dinner of the Messianic Jewish Bible Institute, a group whose goal is to convert Jews to Christianity.  CBS reports that other Jewish leaders such as ADL director Abe Foxman and Los Angeles rabbi David Wolpe have also spoken out against President Bush's decision. MJBI's website says:
The vision of the MJBI is to bring Jewish people into a personal relationship of faith with Yeshua the Messiah, knowing their acceptance will eventually mean life from the dead (Romans 11:15).