Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts

Monday, September 08, 2014

Last Weekend Was National Days of Prayer and Remembrance

In a Presidential Proclamation (full text) issued last Thursday, President Obama declared this past weekend (Sept 5-7) as National Days of Prayer and Remembrance for the victims of 9-11. The Proclamation reads in part:
On this solemn anniversary, let us reaffirm the fundamental American values of freedom and tolerance -- values that stand in stark contrast to the nihilism of those who attacked us.  Let us give thanks for all the men and women in uniform who defend these values from new threats, and let us remember those who laid down their lives for our country.  May our faith reveal that even the darkest night gives way to a brighter dawn.....
I ask that  the people of the United States honor and remember the victims of September 11, 2001, and their loved ones through prayer, contemplation, memorial services, the visiting of memorials, the ringing of bells, evening candlelight remembrance vigils, and other appropriate ceremonies and activities.  I invite people around the world to participate in this commemoration.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Eid al Fitr Begins Today; White House Issues Greetings

Today is the beginning of Eid al Fitr, marking the end of Ramadan. (Background from Huffington Post). The New York Times reports that today's start of the Eid was confirmed last night by the area's Roohat-e-Hilal Committee, or Moon-Sighting Committee. Yesterday President Obama issued a statement (full text) wishing "Muslims in the United States and around the world a blessed and joyous celebration."

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Conservative Christian Groups Criticize New Executive Order

Some conservative Christian groups are speaking out against the Executive Order issued yesterday by President Obama (see prior posting) which bans employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity by federal contractors, as well as by executive agencies. The Family Research Council in a press release yesterday said in part:
President Obama has ordered employers to put aside their principles, and practices in the name of political correctness. This level of coercion is nothing less than viewpoint blackmail that bullies into silence every contractor and subcontractor who has moral objections to homosexual behavior. This order gives activists a license to challenge their employers and, expose those employers to threats of costly legal proceedings and the potential of jeopardizing future contracts.
Religious faith is not simply a matter of intellectual affirmation but of active practice. A religious organization which is denied the power to require its employees to conduct their lives in a way consistent with the teachings of their faith is an organization which is being denied the right to exercise its religion, period. People with deeply held convictions regarding the morality of certain types of sexual behavior should not be bound by the dictates of President Obama's agenda.
Daily Caller has more on the reactions of religious groups.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Obama Issues Executive Order Barring LGBT Discrimination By Contractors and Agencies; No Religious Exemption Included

President Obama today issued an Executive Order (full text) adding "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" to the anti-discrimination provisions applicable to employment decisions by federal contractors.  The Order also added "gender identity" to the anti-discrimination provisions applicable executive departments and executive agencies, which are already barred from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation. Despite urgings by some faith groups (see prior posting) today's Executive Order contains no religious or conscience exemption.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

President Hosts Annual White House Iftar Dinner

On Monday night, President Obama hosted the annual White House Iftar dinner in honor of Ramadan.  In his remarks (full text) he said in part:
Tonight we reaffirm a simple truth.  Fundamental to the character of our country is our freedom of religion -- the right to practice our faith as we choose, to change our faith if we choose, or to practice no faith at all and to do all this free from fear of.  All of us are deserving of an equal opportunity to thrive -- no matter who we are, what we look like, what we believe, or how we pray.  And all of us have an obligation to do our part -- to help others overcome barriers, to reverse the injustice of inequality and to help more of our fellow citizens share in the promise of America. 
The President then made specific mention of three guests at the dinner who began projects to help young people succeed.

The White House also released a list of members of Congress, local officials and members of the diplomatic corps who would be attending the dinner.

UPDATE: According to July 17 Haaretz, this year's White House Iftar dinner was unusually controversial. The presence of Israel's ambassador along with those from other countries with large Muslim populations, his Tweet from the dinner, and President Obama's remarks about Israel rankled some Muslims.

Religious- Civil Rights Groups Urge Obama To Exclude Religious Exemption In Planned LGBT Order

Following on a similar letter from constitutional law scholars earlier this week, yesterday a coalition of 69 religious and civil rights organizations sent a letter (full text) to President Obama urging him to reject calls for a religious exemption in his planned executive order to bar LGBT discrimination by federal contractors. The letter argues, in part:
Religious freedom is one of our most cherished values, a fundamental and defining feature of our national character. It guarantees us the freedom to hold any belief we choose and the right to act on our religious beliefs within certain limits. It does not, however, provide organizations the right to discriminate using taxpayer dollars. When a religiously affiliated organization makes the decision to request a taxpayer-funded contract with the federal government, it must play by the same rules as every other federal contractor.
[Thanks to Michael Lieberman for the lead.] 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Constitutional Law Profs Oppose Religious Exemption In Obama's Planned LGBT Non-Discrimination Executive Order

Yesterday 54 faculty members from top law schools around the country sent a letter (full text) to President Obama opposing the call earlier this month by faith leaders for a broad religious exemption in the President's planned executive order on LGBT discrimination by federal contractors. (See prior posting.) The law professors' joint letter reads in part:
As scholars of religious liberty and constitutional rights, we write to urge you to refrain from including religious exemption language in any executive order providing nondiscrimination guarantees for LGBT employees of federal contractors. Contrary to the counsel you have received from others, such an exemption is not required by the First Amendment's Free Exercise Clause, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), or accommodations of religious liberty in other federal non-discrimination laws, including Title VII. Indeed, the proposed exemption would be unprecedented. Including such a provision in newly expanded rights for LGBT employees of federal contractors would at once undermine workplace equity for LGBT employees, relegate LGBT protections to a lesser status than existing prohibitions against discrimination, and allow religious employers to create or maintain discriminatory workplaces with substantial public funding.
According to a press release, the scholars' letter was spearheaded by Columbia Law School's new Public Rights/ Private Conscience Project.

Thursday, July 03, 2014

Faith Leaders Ask Obama To Include Religious Exemption In Planned LGBT Non-Discrimination Executive Order

In remarks (full text) at a June 30 White House reception celebrating LGBT Pride Month, President Obama announced that he has directed his staff to prepare two executive orders.  One will prohibit discrimination by federal contractors on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Another will expand the sexual orientation non-discrimination provisions applicable to federal employees to also include gender identity.

Meanwhile the Washington Post reports on a July 1 letter (full text) sent to the President by 14 clergy and faith-based organization leaders asking the President to include a religious exemption in any executive order on federal contractors and LGBT employment policy. The letter reads in part:
Without a robust religious exemption,, like the provisions in the Senate-passed ENDA, this expansion of hiring rights will come at an unreasonable cost to the common good, national unity and religious freedom....
While the nation has undergone incredible legal and social change over the last decade, we still live in a nation with different beliefs about sexuality. We must find a way to respect diversity of opinion on this issue in a way that respects the dignity of all parties to the best of our ability.... [A] religious exemption would simply maintain that religious organizations will not be automatically disqualified or disadvantaged in obtaining contracts because of their religious beliefs.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

White House Sends Greetings As Ramadan Begins

Ramadan begins tonight. The White House released a statement (full text) from the President extending greetings from the American people to Muslims communities in the U.S. and around the world. The statement reads in part:
... Ramadan is also an occasion when Muslims around the world reaffirm their commitment to helping the less fortunate....  Here in the United States, we are grateful to the many Muslim American organizations, individuals, and businesses that are devoted to creating opportunity for all by working to reduce income inequality and poverty, not only through their charitable efforts, but also through their initiatives to empower students, workers and families with the education, skills and health care they deserve.
President Obama went on to announce that again this year the White House will host an iftar dinner during Ramadan.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Obama Moves Toward Executive Order To End LGBT Discrimination By Federal Contractors

According to The Hill, a White House official announced yesterday that "the President has directed his staff to prepare for his signature an Executive Order that prohibits federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity."  No specific date for signing the executive order was announced, apparently in the hope that the House of Representatives will take up the Senate-passed Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) which would extended LGBT non-discrimination protection to all workers. However this seems unlikely in the face of opposition by House Speaker John Boehner who says that ENDA would cost jobs by creating frivolous law suits.

Thursday, May 01, 2014

President Declares May As Jewish American Heritage Month

President Obama issued a Proclamation (full text) yesterday declaring May as Jewish American Heritage Month. The Proclamation reads in part:
For thousands of years, the Jewish people have sustained their identity and traditions, persevering in the face of persecution. Through generations of enslavement and years of wandering, through forced segregation and the horrors of the Holocaust, they have maintained their holy covenant and lived according to the Torah. Their pursuit of freedom brought multitudes to our shores, and today our country is the proud home to millions of Jewish Americans. This month, let us honor their tremendous contributions -- as scientists and artists, as activists and entrepreneurs. And let all of us find inspiration in a story that speaks to the universal human experience, with all of its suffering and all of its salvation.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Obama's Statement On Yom HaShoah

Yesterday the White House released a statement (full text) from President Obama on Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day). The statement reads in part:
On this Yom HaShoah, I join people of all faiths in the United Sates, in the State of Israel, and around the world in remembering the six million Jews – innocent men, women and children – who were senselessly murdered during the Holocaust, as well as all the victims of Nazi brutality and violence.... [L]et us recommit ourselves to the task of remembrance, and to always oppose anti-Semitism wherever it takes root. 

White House Statement On Canonization of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II

Yesterday the White House issued a statement (full text) from President Obama celebrating Sunday's canonization of Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II. The statement reads in part:
We celebrate these Saints and the leadership of His Holiness Pope Francis, and we look forward to continuing to work with Pope Francis and Catholics around the world to advance peace and justice for all people.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Article Traces Evolution of Obama's Position On Same-Sex Marriage

Today's New York Times Magazine carries a lengthy article titled How the President Got to ‘I Do’ on Same-Sex Marriage. It traces the evolution of President Obama's public position on the issue.

President Obama Sends Easter and Passover Greetings

President Obama used his White House address yesterday (full text) (video) to convey Easter and Passover greetings, saying in part:
These holy days have their roots in miracles that took place long ago.  And yet, they still inspire us, guide us, and strengthen us today.  They remind us of our responsibilities to God and, as God’s children, our responsibilities to one another.
For me, and for countless other Christians, Holy Week and Easter are times for reflection and renewal.  We remember the grace of an awesome God, who loves us so deeply that He gave us his only Son, so that we might live through Him.... 
The common thread of humanity that connects us all – not just Christians and Jews, but Muslims and Hindus and Sikhs – is our shared commitment to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.  To remember, I am my brother’s keeper. I am my sister’s keeper.  Whatever your faith, believer or nonbeliever, there’s no better time to rededicate ourselves to that universal mission.

Monday, April 14, 2014

President Sends Passover Greetings

The White House issued a statement from the President (full text) today sending greetings from himself and Michelle to all those celebrating Passover. Passover begins this evening.  Mr. Obama announced that, as in past years of his Presidency, on Tuesday he will be joining friends and loved ones at a Seder. His statement spoke both of the meaning of Passover and, in light of yesterday's shootings in Kansas, of the need to combat ignorance and intolerance, including anti-Semitism, that can lead to violence.

President Hosts Easter Prayer Breakfast

This morning, President Obama hosted religious leaders at the White House for his 5th annual Easter Prayer Breakfast marking the beginning of Holy Week. (Press release and video of remarks).  He began his remarks (full text) by speaking of the shootings in Kansas City yesterday. He then went on:
So this Easter Week, of course we recognize that there’s a lot of pain and a lot of sin and a lot of tragedy in this world, but we’re also overwhelmed by the grace of an awesome God.  We’re reminded how He loves us, so deeply, that He gave his only begotten Son so that we might live through Him.  And in these Holy Days, we recall all that Jesus endured for us -- the scorn of the crowds and the pain of the crucifixion, in our Christian religious tradition we celebrate the glory of the Resurrection -- all so that we might be forgiven of our sins and granted everlasting life. 
He went on to speak about his recent meeting with Pope Francis, and to thank religious leaders in the audience for their good works, including participation in the My Brother's Keeper initiative.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Obama and Pope Francis Meet At The Vatican

As reported by AP, President Obama today met with Pope Francis at the Vatican. The Vatican Press Office issued a statement (full text) after the meetings, reading in part:
During the cordial meetings, views were exchanged on some current international themes and it was hoped that, in areas of conflict, there would be respect for humanitarian and international law and a negotiated solution between the parties involved. In the context of bilateral relations and cooperation between Church and State, there was a discussion on questions of particular relevance for the Church in that country, such as the exercise of the rights to religious freedom, life and conscientious objection, as well as the issue of immigration reform. Finally, the common commitment to the eradication of trafficking of human persons in the world was stated.
The White House released excerpts from the President's press conference on his audience with the Pope.  They read in part:
... [W]e had a wide-ranging discussion.  I would say that the largest bulk of the time was discussing two central concerns of his.  One is the issues of the poor, the marginalized, those without opportunity, and growing inequality.... 
And then we spent a lot of time talking about the challenges of conflict and how illusive peace is around the world....  I reaffirmed that it is central to U.S. foreign policy that we protect the interests of religious minorities around the world....
In terms of domestic issues, the two issues that we touched on -- other than the fact that I invited and urged him to come to the United States, telling him that people would be overjoyed to see him -- was immigration reform.... I described to him how I felt that there was still an opportunity for us to make this right and get a law passed.
And he actually did not touch in detail on the Affordable Care Act.  In my meeting with the Secretary of State, Cardinal Parolin, we discussed briefly the issue of making sure that conscience and religious freedom was observed in the context of applying the law.  And I explained to him that most religious organizations are entirely exempt.  Religiously affiliated hospitals or universities or NGOs simply have to attest that they have a religious objection, in which case they are not required to provide contraception although that employees of theirs who choose are able to obtain it through the insurance company.
And I pledged to continue to dialogue with the U.S. Conference of Bishops to make sure that we can strike the right balance, making sure that not only everybody has health care but families, and women in particular, are able to enjoy the kind of health care coverage that the AC offers, but that religious freedom is still observed.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

NYT Profiles Obama's Early Catholic Connections As Meeting With Pope Approaches

In anticipation of President Obama's March 27 visit to the Vatican, today's New York Times carries a long front-page article titled: The Catholic Roots of Obama’s Activism. Here is an excerpt:
[I]n the spring of 1987, Mr. Obama — himself not Catholic — was already well known in Chicago’s black Catholic circles. He had arrived two years earlier to fill an organizing position paid for by a church grant, and had spent his first months here surrounded by Catholic pastors and congregations. In this often overlooked period of the president’s life, he had a desk in a South Side parish and became steeped in the social justice wing of the church, which played a powerful role in his political formation.
This Thursday, Mr. Obama will meet with Pope Francis at the Vatican after a three-decade divergence with the church. By the late 1980s, the Catholic hierarchy had taken a conservative turn that de-emphasized social engagement and elevated the culture wars that would eventually cast Mr. Obama as an abortion-supporting enemy....  A White House accustomed to archbishop antagonists hopes the president will find a strategic ally and kindred spirit in a pope who preaches a gospel of social justice and inclusion..... 
But the Vatican — aware that Mr. Obama has far more to gain from the encounter than the pope does, and wary of being used for American political consumption — warns that this will hardly be like the 1982 meeting at which President Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II agreed to fight Communism in Eastern Europe.

Thursday, March 06, 2014

Senate Rejects Obama's Nominee To Head DOJ Civil Rights Division

Yesterday, the U.S. Senate rejected President Obama's nominee for Assistant Attorney General to head the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice-- Debo Adegbile.  Politico reports that several Senate Democrats joined Republicans in the 47-52 vote against cloture that had the effect of defeating the nomination.  Adegbile was opposed by law enforcement groups and some senators because of his previous work with the NAACP Legal Defense Fund in helping the convicted killer of a Philadelphia police officer try to overturn his death sentence. Following the vote, President Obama issued a statement (full text), saying in part:
The Senate’s failure to confirm Debo Adegbile to lead the Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice is a travesty based on wildly unfair character attacks against a good and qualified public servant.  Mr. Adegbile’s qualifications are impeccable.  He represents the best of the legal profession.... The fact that his nomination was defeated solely based on his legal representation of a defendant runs contrary to a fundamental principle of our system of justice....