Showing posts with label Witchcraft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Witchcraft. Show all posts

Friday, June 07, 2024

Russian Court Places Pro-Putin Witch in Pre-Trial Detention

The English language Moscow Times reports on a hearing held in a Russian court this week, saying in part:

A Moscow court on Thursday remanded the self-proclaimed witch Alyona Polyn, known for casting spells in support of President Vladimir Putin, shortly after she collapsed in court, state media reported.

Polyn, whose real name is Yelena Sulikova, was detained in the Moscow region earlier this week on charges of disseminating “extremist” literature and “insulting believers’ religious feelings.”

She is accused of sharing reading materials that call for “violence against the Russian Orthodox Church clergy” and posting videos online that insult people of faith....

 Polyn received medical attention but was not hospitalized. The court later ruled to place her in pre-trial detention, TASS reported....

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Connecticut Legislature Absolves Those Tried For Witchcraft In 17th Century

On Thursday, the Connecticut legislature gave final passage to House Joint Resolution 34 (full text), formally absolving by name some 34 individuals who were indicted or convicted of witchcraft and familiarities with the devil in the 17th century by courts in the early British colonies of Connecticut and New Haven. The Resolution concludes:

[T]he State of Connecticut apologizes to the descendants of all those who were indicted for the crimes of witchcraft and familiarities with the devil, convicted and executed and for the harm done to the accused persons' posterity to the present day, and acknowledges the trauma and shame that wrongfully continued to affect the families of the accused.

CtMirror reports on the passage of the Resolution. [Thanks to Thomas Rutledge for the lead.]

Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Massachusetts Law Exonerates Last Convicted Witch

 Section 105 of the Massachusetts FY23 Budget Bill signed by Governor Charlie Baker on July 28 exonerates Elizabeth Johnson, Jr., the last Massachusetts resident who was legally classified as a witch. As reported by Courthouse News Service, Johnson is one of 30 people convicted in Salem witch trials in 1693. All the others have previously been exonerated by the legislature. The exoneration was pushed by an eighth-grade civic teacher in North Andover, Massachusetts where Johnson had lived.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Al-Queda Executes 4 For Witchcraft In Yemen

Al Jazeera reports that in the town of Mayfaa in southeastern Yemen, Al-Queda today distributed and posted flyers saying that the group has killed four local men suspected of witchcraft and sorcery. The handout says in part:
We have implemented Allah's ruling against them, which is the death sentence,  We call upon all Muslims to cooperate with us against this widespread depravity,
Al-Queda controls this area in Yemen.