Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kentucky's Required Display of Findings On God Violate Establishment Clause

In American Atheists, Inc. v. Commonwealth of Kentucky, (Franklin KY Cir. Ct., Aug. 26, 2009), a Kentucky trial judge struck down a provision in state law requiring the state Department of Homeland Security to promote and display specified findings of the state legislature. The findings include a statement that: "The safety and security of the Commonwealth cannot be achieved apart from reliance upon Almighty God...." The court concluded that the requirement that these findings be included in agency training and educational material and displayed on a sign at the entrance to the state's Emergency Operations Center violates the federal Establishment Clause and Sec. 5 of the Kentucky Constitution. It said:
The nature of this statute is much more than an acknowledgement that people have historically looked to God for protection. The statute pronounces very plainly that current citizens of the Commonwealth cannot be safe, neither now nor in the future, without the aid of Almighty God.... Effectively the General Assembly has created an official government position on God.
McClatchy Newspapers and the Louisville Courier Journal reported on the decision, as did a release from American Atheists.

UPDATE: The Louisville Courier-Journal reports that on Sept. 4 the state filed a notice of appeal in the case as well as a motion to stay enforcement of the trial court's ruling pending appeal.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sen. Ted Kennedy Dies; Remembering His Views On Religion In Public Life

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy died last night of brain cancer. (AP). President Obama eulogized him, calling him "the greatest United States Senator of our time." (Full text of President's statement.) Sen. Kennedy was a strong supporter of religious freedom and church-state separation. His speech, titled Faith, Truth and Tolerance in America, delivered at Liberty University in 1983, was an eloquent expression of the role of religion in public life. Here are some excerpts:

I am an American and a Catholic; I love my country and treasure my faith. But I do not assume that my conception of patriotism or policy is invariably correct, or that my convictions about religion should command any greater respect than any other faith in this pluralistic society. I believe there surely is such a thing as truth, but who among us can claim a monopoly on it? There are those who do, and their own words testify to their intolerance....

But in saying that, we cannot and should not turn aside from a deeper and more pressing question -- which is whether and how religion should influence government.... The separation of church and state can sometimes be frustrating for women and men of religious faith. They may be tempted to misuse government in order to impose a value which they cannot persuade others to accept. But once we succumb to that temptation, we step onto a slippery slope where everyone’s freedom is at risk. Those who favor censorship should recall that one of the first books ever burned was the first English translation of the Bible.....

The real transgression occurs when religion wants government to tell citizens how to live uniquely personal parts of their lives.... But there are other questions which are inherently public in nature, which we must decide together as a nation, and where religion and religious values can and should speak to our common conscience..... There must be standards for the exercise of such leadership, so that the obligations of belief will not be debased into an opportunity for mere political advantage. But to take a stand at all when a question is both properly public and truly moral is to stand in a long and honored tradition.....

First, we must respect the integrity of religion itself. People of conscience should be careful how they deal in the word of their Lord. In our own history, religion has been falsely invoked to sanction prejudice -- even slavery -- to condemn labor unions and public spending for the poor.....

Religious values cannot be excluded from every public issue; but not every public issue involves religious values.... Second, we must respect the independent judgments of conscience. Those who proclaim moral and religious values can offer counsel, but they should not casually treat a position on a public issue as a test of fealty to faith.... Third, in applying religious values, we must respect the integrity of public debate. In that debate, faith is no substitute for facts..... Fourth, and finally, we must respect the motives of those who exercise their right to disagree.....

In short, I hope for an America where neither "fundamentalist" nor "humanist" will be a dirty word, but a fair description of the different ways in which people of goodwill look at life and into their own souls.

[Thanks to Blog from the Capitol for a link to the speech.]

3rd Circuit Dismisses Abortion Protesters' Bid To Stand On Handicapped Ramp

On Monday, the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a free exercise claim by protesters who sought access to a handicapped entrance ramp outside an abortion clinic in York, Pennsylvania. The protesters claimed that their Christian religious beliefs required them to share their pro-life views with others. In McTernan v. City of York, (3d Cir., Aug. 24, 2009), concluding that the access ramp was a non-public forum, the court held that it was reasonable to require the protesters to stay on the sidewalk next to the ramp. Their presence on the ramp impairs access to the clinic, while walking instead alongside the ramp still gives them access to everyone entering the clinic. The court dismissed plaintiffs' complaint finding that the regulation at issue is a neutral rule of general applicability. In an earlier decision, the 3rd Circuit had remanded for trial free expression claims regarding a restriction on protests elsewhere near the clinic. (See prior posting.)

Catholic Magazine Publishes Reflections On the Obama-Notre Dame Controversy

The new issue of America magazine carries two articles reflecting on the controversy earlier this year surrounding Notre Dame's awarding of an honorary degree to President Barack Obama. (See prior posting.) One article is by John M. D’Arcy, bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend, where Notre Dame is located. He writes in part:
The diocesan bishop must ask whether a Catholic institution compromises its obligation to give public witness by placing prestige over truth. The bishop must be concerned that Catholic institutions do not succumb to the secular culture, making decisions that appear to many, including ordinary Catholics, as a surrender to a culture opposed to the truth about life and love.
The second article, from John R. Quinn, archbishop emeritus of San Francisco, takes a different tack. He argues that a strategy of refusing to award an honorary degree to the President "undermines the church's transcendent role in the American political order." He continues:
[T]he Obama controversy, in concert with a series of candidate-related condemnations during the 2008 election, has communicated several false and unintended messages to much of American society..... 1. The message that the Catholic bishops of the United States function as partisan political actors in American life. ...2. The message that the bishops are ratifying the "culture war mentality," which corrodes debate both in American politics and in the internal life of the church.... 3. The message that the bishops are effectively indifferent to all grave evils other than abortion.... 4. The message that the bishops are insensitive to the heritage and the continuing existence of racism in America.
[Thanks to Mirror of Justice for the lead.]

Washington State Bans All Holiday Displays Inside Capitol Building

As reported by the Everett (WA) Herald, the state of Washington's Department of General Administration last week adopted a new interim policy (full text) on the use of public areas of the Capitol. Earlier this year, the state began rule making proceedings to avoid the confusion that resulted last year from numerous competing requests to put up holiday displays. (See prior posting.) A Questions & Answers sheet also issued last week by the Department clarifies the interim policy's impact:
Q: Will you allow displays and exhibits?

The interim policy does not allow the public to place displays and exhibits in the public areas of the capitol buildings, regardless of content. However, subject to reasonable time, place and manner restrictions, you may be permitted to place displays outside on the capitol grounds.

Q: Will you permit a Nativity scene in the Legislative Building during the holiday season?

No. General Administration has turned down a request for a Nativity display inside the Legislative Building for December 2009.

Q: Will you permit an atheist display in the Legislative Building during the holiday

No. General Administration has turned down a request for an atheist display inside the Legislative Building for December 2009.

Q: Will there be a holiday tree at the Legislative Building this year?

Yes. The holiday tree will continue as a General Administration activity.
[Thanks to Blog from the Capitol for the lead.]

Mosques Will Aid Malaysian State Officials In Syariah Enforcement

In Malaysia, the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) has issued authority letters to more than 370 mosques authorizing 4 leaders in each mosque to aid the government in enforcing the Selangor Syariah Crimes Enactment 1995. Yesterday's Malay Mail reports that the mosque officials were given authority to note information about any Muslim found drinking alcohol in public and to hand them over to police or religious enforcement officers. Datuk Dr Hassan Ali, the Selangor executive councillor in charge of religion, said that mosque officials will soon be given the additional power to arrest Muslims for selling and storing alcoholic beverages, and for being "disrespectful" during Ramadan.

Suit Will Charge Judge With Improperly Requiring Removal of Hijab

The Detroit News reports that the Michigan chapter of CAIR today will file suit against Wayne County Circuit Judge J. William Callahan. The suit will claim that the judge ordered a Muslim woman, Raneen Albaghdady, to remove her headscarf (hijab) during a hearing on her application to change her name. CAIR says that this violated her free exercise rights. Unlike a prior case in Detroit, here the woman's face was fully visible. YouTube has a video of part of the exchange between the judge and Albaghdady.

Paper Surveys Scope of Tax Exemptions for Church Property

Sunday's Rochester (NY) Democrat & Chronicle carries a lengthy investigative report on tax exemptions for local property held for religious use. It says that in 2008, the value of properties exempted from taxes for religious purposes in Monroe Count (NY) was almost $756 million. This includes not only church buildings, but parsonages (some of which are very expensive) and vacant land held for future religious use. Even church-owned property used for profit-making purposes remains exempt so long as the profits are reinvested in furthering the church and its ministries. [Thanks to Steven H. Sholk for the lead.]

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Florida Governor's Western Wall Notes Seem To Work So Far

Florida Governor Charlie Crist told a group of real estate agents that when he visited Israel as part of a trade mission in 2007, he placed a note in the Western Wall in Jerusalem asking God to protect Florida from storms. No major hurricanes hit Florida that year. So when Florida state Sen. Nan Rich traveled to Israel in 2008, he asked her to do the same thing, and earlier this year Crist asked a friend who was traveling to Israel to put in a note for this year. So far this year, for the third consecutive year, no major storms have hit the state. JTA reported yesterday that Crist doesn't take credit for the lack of hurricanes. He says: "I leave that to God."

Some Claims Against Archdiocese In Clergy Abuse Case Can Proceed

Goebel v. Johnston, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 74242 (ED MO, Aug. 21, 2009), is a clergy sexual abuse case which was removed to federal court on diversity of citizenship grounds. This opinion involves rulings on motions by the Archdiocese of St. Louis to dismiss various claims against it that are part of the lawsuit. The court held that permitting plaintiff's negligent hiring, retention and supervision claims to proceed would not violate either the Establishment Clause or Free Exercise Clause of the 1st Amendment. In reaching this conclusions, the court said it must perform its own constitutional analysis. Defendants had argued that the court was required to dismiss because in a prior case the Missouri Supreme Court had held that the federal constitution precludes such claims. The court however dismissed plaintiff's breach of fiduciary duty claim finding that Missouri law does not recognize a cause of action for breach of fiduciary duties in a sexual abuse cases against clergy.

UPDATE: The court has issued an almost identical opinion in a similar abuse case brought by a different plaintiff. Perry v. Johnston, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 74706 (ED MO, Aug. 24, 2009).

Some Claims Dismissed In Sikh's Employment Discrimination Case Against IRS

In Tagore v. United States, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 74235 (SD TX, Aug. 21, 2009), a Texas federal district court dismissed a portion of the claims brought by a former Internal Revenue Service employee who was fired after she insisted on wearing her kirpan-- a ceremonial dagger worn by Sikhs-- in a Houston federal office building. The court held that plaintiff's Title VII employment discrimination claims preempt her claims under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act based on the same facts. It also held that the only proper defendant in her Title VII case is the Secretary of the Treasury. This leaves the Title VII claim plus a claim under RFRA against the Department of Homeland Security and its employees to move forward to trial. (See prior related posting.)

Utah Judge Orders Sale of Supposed Temple Site By FLDS Trust

In a state trial court in Utah yesterday, Judge Denise Lindberg issued an order for the sale of Berry Knoll Farm by the United Effort Plan Trust which holds property that belonged to the FLDS Church. FLDS Church members, many in polygamous relationships, as well as some who are no longer members, live on the land. The Merced (CA) Sun-Star reports that the controversial order was issued because the trust-- now under court supervision-- has nearly $3 million in debt with no income stream to provide for payment. The order gave court-appointed special fiduciary Bruce Wisan authority to seek bids and complete the sale. Traditional FLDS members oppose the sale because they believe Berry Knoll is a sacred site on which a future temple is to be built. (Background.) Last month, the same court rejected a settlement proposed by Utah's Attorney General in the complicated attempt to reform the UEP Trust. (See prior posting.)

Monday, August 24, 2009

School Girls In Gaza Must Wear Traditional Arab Dress

Both Haaretz and YNet News report today that authorities in the Gaza Strip are insisting that girls in government-run schools wear traditional Arab clothing to class. Girls not wearing the ghalabia (in dark blue) and a white head covering will be sent home. This continues a trend toward imposing Islamic norms in Gaza (see prior posting), though one official said that the move was aimed at easing parents' financial situation. Authorities also will only allow women to teach at girls' schools and men to teach at boys' schools. Some 250,000 students attend government schools, while 200,000 attend United Nations run schools. [Thanks to Joel Katz (Relig. & State in Israel) for the lead.]

Wisconsin Bishops Object To State's Mandate of Contraceptive Coverage In Health Policies

The Wisconsin Catholic Conference has issued a statement (full text) objecting to provisions in the state's new Budget Bill requiring health insurance providers to include contraceptive services as part of any plan coverage. The statement by the bishops says in part: "This mandate will compel Catholic dioceses, parishes, and other agencies that buy health insurance to pay for a medical service that Catholic teaching holds to be gravely immoral." CNA reported yesterday that only dioceses or Catholic agencies that are self-insured will not be covered by the mandate. The La Crosse and Superior dioceses are among those that self-insure. [Thanks to Pew Sitter for the lead.]

Recent Articles and Books of Interest

From SSRN:

From SmartCILP:

  • Matthew R. Clark & Charles P. Misseijer, Through the Founders' Prism: Faith and Perspective at the Intersection of Law and Policy, 1 Regent Journal of Law & Public Policy 1-10 (2009).
  • Jay A. Sekulow & Benjamin P. Sisney. Constitutionally Protected Parental Rights in Child-Custody Arrangements and the Impact of Religion on Children, 1 Regent Journal of Law & Public Policy 169-214 (2009).

Recent Books:

Sunday, August 23, 2009

10th Circuit Refuses To Stay Order On 10 Commandments Monument

On Friday, by a 2-1 vote, the U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals denied a request by Haskell County, Oklahoma commissioners to allow them to keep their Ten Commandments monument in place on the court house lawn while the county seeks review in the U.S. Supreme Court of an order calling for the monument's removal. AP reports on the denial of a motion to recall and stay of the court's mandate. A panel of the 10th Circuit found that the monument violated the Establishment Clause. (See prior posting.) An evenly-divided 10th Circuit denied en banc review. (See prior posting.)

Meanwhile News OK reported on Friday that in Oklahoma City, the State Capitol Preservation Commission is debating where on the state Capitol gounds to locate a 10 Commandments monument authorized by legislation passed earlier this year. (See prior posting.)

Report Says Shiites On Trial In Jordan

The Associated Press reports today that in Jordan six Shiite Muslims are being tried before a closed military tribunal for instigating religious sectarianism in the majority Sunni country. The first of its kind trial apparently reflects Jordan's concern about the growing influence of Iran and Hezbollah movement in the country.

Court Hears Arguments In Challenge To State Humane Slaughter Act

In Everett, Washington last Friday, a state court judge heard arguments in a challenge by an animal rescue group to Washington state's Humane Slaughter Act. The group argues that the exemption for ritual slaughtering of animals (RCW 16.50.150) violates the Establishment Clause in the federal and Washington state constitutions, the federal equal protection clause and the state's privileges and immunities clause. Pasado’s Safe Haven, plaintiff in the case, has posted extensive background on the lawsuit. According to yesterday's Everett Herald, plaintiff's attorney argued that since slaughter without stunning an animal is legal only in ritual slaughter, the law unconstitutionally prescribes different punishments depending on one's religious belief. KING5 News says that plaintiff additionally argues that the law would allow someone to invent a religion as a defense to animal cruelty. The state, however, says that the law applies only to licensed slaughter houses and is an attempt to protect free exercise of religion. A decision in the case is expected later this year.

Philippine Presidential Race Draws Religious Leaders As Candidates

In the Philippines, two religious leaders have announced that they will run in next year's presidential elections, and a third is considering doing so. According to yesterday's Philippine Star, former Catholic priest Ed Panlilio, Governor of the province of Pampanga, was the first to announce. Then on Friday, Eddie Villanueva, leader of the Pentecostal Jesus is the Lord Church, accepted the nomination of the Bangon Pilipinas party. Now a signature campaign has been started by Brother Mike Velarde who is the lay leader of the Catholic Charismatic El Shaddai Movement. Supporters are seeking 10 million signatures. Incumbent President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is barred from running for another term in the election scheduled for next May. (Background.)

Satmar Police Recruit Files Religious Discrimination Complaint

Friday's Lower Hudson (NY) Journal News reports on a religious discrimination complaint filed with the EEOC against the town of Ramapo, New York and its police department by Baile Glauber who joined the Ramapo police force after being raised in the Satmar Hasidic Jewish community. She says that in her job interview, she was repeatedly questioned about her upbringing and how her religious observance would affect her ability to perform her police duties. She says officers then shunned her believing that her insular religious upbringing made it impossible for her to become part of the police family. Ramapo says it has followed the law, accommodating Glauber's need for time off for the Sabbath and Jewish holidays. [Thanks to Joel Katz (Relig. & State In Israel) for the lead.]

Recent Prisoner Free Exercise Cases

In Seneca v. Arizona, (9th Cir., Aug. 19, 2009), the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed part of a district court's decision to dismiss an inmate's free exercise and RLUIPA claims. The appellate court held that plaintiff's challenge to the requirement for a verification letter to change religions was not moot. It also held that the trial court must reconsider whether prison policy limiting inmates to seven religious items had a compelling justification and was the least restrictive means of furthering the Arizona Department of Corrections' interests.

In King v. Sims, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 71669 (SD MS, Aug. 14, 2009), a Mississippi federal magistrate judge rejected a challenge by a Rastafarian prisoner to the state's grooming policy that prevented him from wearing his hair in dreadlocks.

In Carson v. Riley, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 73328 (WD MI, Aug. 19, 2009), a Michigan federal district court upheld a prison's denial of a strictly vegetarian Buddhist diet to an inmate after he displayed only minimal knowledge about Buddhism and its dietary requirements in an interview by the prison chaplain. Subsequently plaintiff was transferred to another facility where a vegetarian diet was more available.

In Nieves v. Patrick, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 73492 (ED CA, Aug. 19, 2009), a California federal magistrate judge recommended dismissal of a generalized allegation by an inmate that religion was not allowed into her prison unit.

In Mincy v. Deparlos, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 73604 (MD PA, Aug. 19, 2009), a Pennsylvania federal district court allowed plaintiff to move ahead with his free exercise and RLUIPA claims that various actions by prison officials denied him the ability to observe Ramadan.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Michigan Amends Faith Based Office's Charter To Reflect Federal Changes

On Thursday, Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm announced that she had issued Executive Order 2009-41 to make changes in the document governing the state's office that reaches out to faith-based organizations. The changes to Executive Order 2005-6 are intended to mirror changes made at the federal level by the Obama administration. Michigan's office is now called the Governor's Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. The executive order also adds the following to the functions previously outlined for the office:
3. Ensure that services paid for with state and federal funds are provided in a manner consistent with fundamental constitutional commitments guaranteeing the equal protection of the laws and the free exercise of religion and prohibiting laws respecting an establishment of religion.

4. Promote effective training for persons providing federally funded social services in faith-based and neighborhood organizations.

5. Promote the better use of program evaluation and research, in order to ensure that organizations deliver services as specified in grant agreements, contracts, memoranda or understanding, and other arrangements.

College In India Illegally Bans Hijab Under Hindu Student Pressure

In India, conflict between a Hindu student group and Muslim students has surfaced at SVS College in the Indian state of Karnataka. UAE's The National reported yesterday that officials at the private, state-assisted, college imposed an illegal ban on Muslim students wearing the hijab (headscarf) under pressure from the student branch of the right-wing Hindu Bharatiya Janata Party, the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP). Ever since the ABVP won college elections that gave it control of the student union, it has created unrest as it has pressed for a ban on the hijab and burqa. Because of the ban, 18-year old Aysha Asmin has stopped attending classes. Mangalore University, with which SVS is affiliated, has assured Asmin that it will help her find a different college where she can continue her studies. Meanwhile a district official has urged penalizing SVS for imposing the "unconstitutional" hijab ban.

Bolivia-Vatican Sign Treaty On Social Services

Zenit reports that on Thursday the Vatican and Bolivia signed a Treaty of Inter-Institutional Cooperation. In the treaty, Bolivia recognizes the importance of the Catholic Church's social services in the country. The Church, in turn, agrees to give more attention to the most depressed areas of Bolivia, support government social policies in the framework of Catholic social thought, and to report periodically on its progress in these areas.

Foster Care Extended For 17-Year Old Muslim Convert To Christianity

Reports from the Orlando Sentinel and St. Petersburg Times provide details on an order issued Friday by a state court judge in Orlando, Florida in the case of 17-year old Rifqa Bary who fled her home near Columbus, Ohio after converting from Islam to Christianity. The court ordered that Rifqa remain in temporary foster care with the Christian family with whom she has been placed while the Florida Department of Law Enforcement investigates her allegations that her father threatened to kill her because of her conversion. (See prior posting.) After fleeing her home earlier this month, Rifqa stayed in Florida with evangelical pastor Blake Lorenz before being placed in foster care. Judge Daniel P. Dawson yesterday also scheduled an arraignment for a dependency proceeding for Sept. 3 and ordered the family into mediation after the arraignment.

Rifqa's parents, who originally came to the U.S. from Sri Lanka to seek medical care for Rifqa after she lost sight in one eye, say Rifqa is free to practice any religion she wishes. They have agreed that if she is returned to Ohio she can be placed in a foster home there for at least 30 days. Meanwhile activists and politicians are getting involved, calling on Gov. Charlie Crist to take action to keep the girl in Florida. Rifqa's lawyer, John Stemberger (who is a conservative Christian activist) told the court that the real threat is not Rifqa's father, but radical Muslim activists in the Columbus area.

Santa Rosa School Clerk Cleared On Civil Contempt Charge Over Banquet Prayer

Ruling on a civil contempt motion brought by the ACLU, a Florida federal judge on Friday concluded that a school clerk did not violate a preliminary injunction barring the Santa Rosa County (FL) school district and its employees from including prayers in any school event. (ACLU background on the contempt motion.) Two articles from the Pensacola News-Journal report on the court's decision which found that school clerk Michelle Winkler did not willfully violate the preliminary injunction. U.S. District Judge Casey Rodgers held that Winkler was not a party to the lawsuit and did not know that this event was covered by the preliminary injunction. When Winkler's superior told her that she could not offer a prayer at a school Employee of the Year Banquet, she had her husband deliver the invocation instead of doing so herself. Also, technically the banquet was not school-sponsored, but instead was sponsored by a nonprofit organization called the Santa Rosa Education Foundation. (See prior related posting.) Still pending are more serious criminal contempt charges against the principal and the school's athletic director growing out of prayer at a Pace High School luncheon. (See prior posting.)

Malaysian Woman Sentenced To Caning; Syariah Judge Says Sentence Is Illegal

In Malaysia, 32-year old Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno, a Muslim woman, has become the first woman sentenced under the country's Islamic law to caning for drinking alcohol. Reuters reported Friday that Kartika-- who in 2007 was caught drinking beer at a hotel bar in Kuantan-- has defiantly asked that her punishment be carried out in public. She will be fully clothed when the six strokes will be applied with moderate force. She has also paid a fine of $1420. Meanwhile today's New Straits Times carries an analysis by Terengganu Chief Syariah Judge Datuk Ismail Yahya who says that the caning is illegal because under Malaysian law, only a person in jail can be caned and Kartika was not given a jail sentence.

UPDATE: On Monday, government authorities released Kartika Shukarno, saying: "The warrant cannot be executed." Reuters reports that Kartika refused to leave a van taking her to jail when it returned her to her home.

UPDATE2: Monday's New York Times quotes Mohamed Sahfri Abdul Aziz, the head of religious affairs in Malaysia's Pahang state, who said: "The sentence remains. She has been released but only temporarily."

UPDATE3: France24 reported on Aug. 24 that the original delay in Katrika's punishment was in honor of Ramadan. Now, however, the chief appeals judge for the Islamic courts in the state of Pahangan has ordered further delay while the sentence is reviewed on appeal.

Friday, August 21, 2009

President Sends Greetings To Muslims As Ramadan Begins

Today President Obama sent the greeting of Ramadan Kareem to Muslims who are beginning the month-long observance of Ramadan. The White House website carries written greetings plus a 5-minute video address by the President reaching out to Muslims in the U.S. and around the world.

Canadian Court Affirms Abortion Opponent's Tax Protest Conviction

In Canada, the Court of Appeal of New Brunswick has rejected a Catholic anti-abortion activist's claim that his he should be excused from filing Canadian income tax returns or paying income taxes because a portion of tax revenues are used to fund abortions. At trial, David Little was convicted of failing to file income tax returns for three years, and was fined the minimum $3000. In Little v. Her Majesty the Queen, (NB Ct. App., Aug. 20, 2009), rejecting Little's application for leave to appeal, the Courrt of Appeal said:
The filing of annual income tax returns, like the payment of taxes, cannot reasonably be regarded as an expression of support for a particular government expenditure or policy so as to offend a claimant's Charter right to freedom of religion and conscience. Nor can it be characterized as coercion of the kind embraced by the concept of freedom of religion and conscience. A pacifist who resists compulsory military service may object on grounds that military service is contrary to his or her religious beliefs or objectionable as a matter of principle and conscience. Most certainly, forced participation in these circumstances triggers the application of s. 2(a) of the Charter. But the same pacifist cannot invoke that Charter provision as a valid basis for the refusal to file annual income tax returns and to pay taxes duly assessed. The same reasoning applies to those who object to public funding of abortions through the taxation system. The coercion of which Mr. Little complains is simply too remote to invoke his s. 2(a) Charter rights. Any perceived interference with his religious beliefs cannot be regarded as "substantial" within the meaning of the jurisprudence.
The Fredericton (NB) Daily Gleaner reports on the decision.

Ramadan Begins With UAE Seeking To Keep Prices In Check; Others Viewing Economy's Impact

Ramadan begins this weekend-- tonight in North America, last night in other parts of the world. In the United Arab Emirates, the Ministry of Economy is working to to prevent market instability, manipulation of food prices and monopoly practices in markets for foodstuffs and other essentials. Zawya reported yesterday that importers, wholesalers and retailers often increase prices during Ramadan when demand goes up. It says that Muslim government around the world face a challenge in preventing Ramadan price hikes. Meanwhile today's Wall Street Journal reports that in Dubai, the world-wide financial slump has caused businesses to scale back on the elaborate iftars (meals to break the daily fast) that they have traditionally hosted for clients and potential business partners. According to today's Newark (NJ) Star-Ledger, in the U.S. economic problems may also reduce amounts charities receive from Muslims this Ramadan. However the charity Islamic Relief has seen growing contributions since 2001, particularly as several other Muslim charities have been closed down by federal officials in investigations of links to terrorist groups.

Condo Residents Get Shabbat Elevator, Ending Discrimination Complaints

Today's Baltimore Jewish Times reports that efforts by Orthodox Jewish residents of the Strathmore Tower condominium in Baltimore (MD) to obtain a "Shabbat elevator" have finally been successful. The 6-3 vote by the condominium board to start work on the changes resolves a two-year dispute in which the Maryland Commission on Human Relations issued a report finding probable cause for charges of religious discrimination. The condominium builder will cover the $3000 cost of modifying the elevator so it can be set to automatically stop at every floor on Saturdays. The Human Relations Commission is monitoring the situation and also wants the condo's bylaws changed to assure religious accommodation and a ban on religious discrimination. (See prior related posting.)

Utah and Arizona Issue Updated Guide On Polygamous Communities

The Utah and Arizona Attorneys General have released a revised edition of The Primer, a guide designed to assist law enforcement and human services agencies that provide assistance to fundamentalist Mormon families. It provides basic information on more than a dozen polygamous communities, using description mostly prepared by the groups themselves. Yesterday's Salt Lake Tribune says that this version of the guide has a neutral tone that no longer suggests that fundamentalist Mormons are "victims" of groups that experience more domestic violence or abuse than others. The Primer also describes the Safety Net Committee that was formed in 2003 by Utah and Arizona to bring together government agencies and nonprofits that are working to give people from polygamous communities equal access to justice, safety and services.

2nd Circuit Narrows Remedy Against Postal Unit Operating On Church Premises

In Cooper v. U.S. Postal Service, (2d Cir., Aug. 20, 2009), the U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals held that religious displays by the Full Gospel Interdenominational Church in the Contract Postal Unit it operates along side its ministry and outreach efforts in a store front facility in Manchester, Connecticut violate the Establishment Clause. Holding that plaintiff had standing to raise the Establishment Clause challenge, the court concluded however that the Establishment Clause breach "is limited to the area of the CPU performing the public function; all other areas of the CPU remain the province of the private entity." Therefore, the only remedy the court required was removal of religious material from the postal counter and related areas, along with installation of "visual cues [that] distinguish the space operating as a postal facility from the space functioning as the private property of the Church." The court said this could be a low railing or stanchions with hanging ropes of the sort that are found in a theater. The lower court had issued a broader injunction. (See prior posting.)

The court also attempted to limit its decision to the facts of the case, saying that plaitiff's complaint was that he became an unwilling participant in religious activity when he entered the postal facility. It went on: "Ordinarily, when CPUs are housed in churches or synagogues or monasteries or mosques, customers are alerted to the facility’s religious status by cues such as ecclesiastical architecture, schedules of religious services, and religious iconography or statuary." Here however a customer might become confused because the store front "gives no visual cues to alert its customers to its function as a Christian outreach facility." AP yesterday reported on the decision.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Driver Refuses To Operate Bus Carrying Atheist Ad

Now that the Des Moines, Iowa Area Regional Transit Authority has finally decided to allow an atheist group to run its ads on twenty local buses (see prior posting), transit officials face a different issue. Bus driver Angela Shiel refuses to drive a bus which carries the ad. Yesterday's Des Moines Register reports that DART has suspended the driver for violating its rule that drivers may not refuse to operate a working bus assigned to them. Some attorneys suggest that DART may have an obligation to accommodate Shiel's religious beliefs if it can do so easily. Apparently some passengers are also boycotting buses featuring the "Don't believe in God? You are not alone" ads.

Muslim Charity's Rights Violated In Freezing of Assets

On Tuesday, an Ohio federal district court in a 100-page opinion in KindHearts for Charitable Humanitarian Development, Inc. v. Geithner, (ND OH, Aug. 18, 2009) held that the federal Office of Foreign Assets Control violated the due process rights of a Muslim charity when in 2006 it froze its assets without providing notice of the reasons or an opportunity for a hearing. In a long discussion of Fourth Amendment law, the court also concluded that OFAC should have obtained a warrant before freezing the group's assets.

The court also concluded that OFAC acted arbitrarily in blocking access by the charity to use of its own funds to pay its attorneys. The government is investigating whether the charity should be classified as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist" organization because of alleged contribution of funds to Hamas. The court concluded that OFAC's provisional determination to classify the group as an SDGT is not final and thus not subject to review. Yesterday's New York Times reported on the decision. The Council on American-Islamic relations issued a press release calling the decision "a victory for all Americans who value the constitutional rights to due process and freedom from unreasonable search and seizure."

Louisiana Parish School Board Expands Invocation Invitee List

Apparently in a move to strengthen its hand in a pending lawsuit, the Tangipahoa (LA) Parish School Board made a change in its invocation policy. The Advocate reports that at Tuesday's Board meeting, members unanimously agreed that the list of clergy who will be invited to offer prayers can be expanded to include ministers, imams and rabbis from houses of worship outside Tangipahoa Parish attended by Tangipahoa residents. (See prior related posting.)

Advocacy Groups Caution Illinois On Grants To Religious Organizations

Americans United and the Anti Defamation League in a joint letter (full text) to the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity cautions the state about proceeding with $40 million in grants to 97 religious institutions without instituting proper safeguards. The letter warns that state agencies need to put in place effective safeguards to assure that the funds are used only for secular, neutral and non-ideological purposes. It also says that cash payments should not be made to pervasively sectarian institution. Yesterday's Chicago Tribune reports that the grants are part of a $31 billion infrastructure improvement bill signed last month by the Governor. (See prior related posting.)

Settlement Reached In New Haven Street Preacher Case

A consent judgment (full text) was entered Monday in Connecticut federal district court in Morrell v. City of New Haven, (D CT, Aug. 17, 2009). Under terms of the order, New Haven, Connecticut police agree not to apply Connecticut's disorderly conduct statute (Conn. Gen. Stat. Sec. 53a-182) to preaching on public sidewalks by Jesse Morrell, unless Morrell's "predominant intent" is to annoy, alarm or cause unreasonable noise. The city also agreed to pay $25,000 to cover damages, attorneys fees and litigation costs. A release by Alliance Defense Fund says that in 2004 New Haven police stopped Morrell from preaching at four different locations.

Obama On Conference Calls With Faith Groups On Health Care

President Obama yesterday participated in two faith-based conference calls urging support for health care reform. The Washington Post reports that first Obama spoke with Jewish leaders on a call organized by the Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism. The RAC has also launched a website, Jews for Health Care Reform. Then in the afternoon President Obama spoke for ten minutes as part of a call sponsored by a broad array of faith groups organized through Faith In Public Life. An audio recording of the call is archived on the Faith for Health website, which estimates 140,000 listened to the call in real time. Obama told listeners that some critics are "bearing false witness" in their opposition to health care reform.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

New Venezuela Education Law Eliminates Religious Education In Schools

Last week Venezuela's National Assembly passed a controversial new Education Law that impacts the teaching of religion in schools. According to a Catholic News Service report yesterday: "One clause of the new law, which covers all levels of education and both public and private institutions, requires education to have a 'lay character … in all circumstances' and leaves religious education to families." According to a report Saturday in the Miami Herald, the new law "gives a major role in education to the so-called 'communal councils,' which are community assemblies mostly dominated by the ruling Unified Socialist Party of Venezuela." Opponents who say the new law gives Hugo Chavez's central government too much control over schools say they will seek a referendum to overturn the law.

Oklahoma Court's Ruling Apparently Invalidates Medical Providers Conscience Provisions

In 2008, the Oklahoma legislature enacted the Freedom of Conscience Act, SB 1878 (full text Word doc). The bill not only contains very broad conscience protections for medical personnel who object to participating in a variety of procedures, but it also requires medical providers, before performing an abortion, to conduct an ultrasound and describe and display in detail the ultrasound image to the woman seeking the abortion. The ultrasound provisions were challenged in a state court lawsuit filed by the Center for Reproductive Rights, as were certain provisions on wrongful birth actions and the administration of RU-486 to cause an abortion. (Background.)

AP reports that yesterday an Oklahoma County District Court struck down the law without getting to the primary constitutional issues. The court instead held that the statute violates the requirement in Sec. V-57 of the Oklahoma Constitution that any state statute deal only with a single subject. The effect of that holding, while opening the way to re-enactment of all the law's provisions in separate bills, also would seem to invalidate until re-enactment the freedom of conscience provisions that apparently had not been challenged by plaintiff.

UPDATE: Wednesdy's New York Times reports that the state will appeal the decusion to the Oklahoma Supreme Court.

Egypt's Mubarak Visits White House; Advocates Want Obama To Raise Human Rights Issues

Yesterday, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak visited the White House. Ahead of the visit, groups such as U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (text of letter) and the Institute on Religion and Public Policy (text of letter) urged the President to raise questions of religious freedom with Mubarak. At a Washington press conference yesterday called by Coptic Christian groups to protest the human rights situation in Egypt, arguments broke out between speakers and Muslims attending the press conference over the role of sharia law in Egypt. (Christian Post).

At the White House press briefing yesterday, press secretary Robert Gibbs was asked whether Obama raised human rights issues with Mubarak:
Q: Back to Mubarak. Can you say how the President raised the issue of human rights and political reform in Egypt during the talks?

MR. GIBBS: Let me get a specific read. I did not talk to Denis and those guys before I -- about the other topics that were talked about.

Q: Well, generally, do you think it's fair that there's a perception among some dissidents and human rights groups that this administration has downplayed that side of the relationship in pursuit of broader issues?

MR. GIBBS: I would not -- I would not agree with the premise that we have somehow swept under the rug, in either this relationship or in relationships with other countries, the notion of human rights or greater democracy in the world. Obviously those are important foreign policy goals that are in the national interest of this country. And we will continue to pursue those, as well as issues relating to comprehensive Middle East peace.

Sex Offender Challenging NC Law Barring Church Attendance Near Child-Care

Yesterday's Charlotte (NC) Observer reports that James Nichols, a sex offender who has completed his prison sentence, has enlisted the ACLU to help him challenge a North Carolina law barring registered sex offenders from being within 300 feet of a school, playground, day care or children's museum. The law took effect last December. Nichols was arrested by a Chatham County sheriff's deputy in March for attending Moncure Baptist Church, where he had disclosed his past to the pastor. The church has a child-care facility on premises.

Nichols also faces a second charge because he was staying with a friend who later took a 14-year old girl into her home. Nichols has now moved to Sanford where police officials allow him to attend Try Jesus Ministries, even though the church has children's programs.

A coalition of psychologists and social workers are supporting a bill in the North Carolina legislature that would allow sex offenders to attend adult programs at churches if they have written permission from church leaders. Many think churches can play an important role in rehabilitating sex offenders. However Sen. David Hoyle who sponsored the existing sex offender law says: "As far as I'm concerned, they've lost all their rights -- to go to church ... to go to McDonald's to get a cheeseburger if they've got the slides."

Group Opens San Francisco Office, Calling Area Hostile To Religious Liberty

The Pacific Justice Institute has opened a new office in Oakland, California to serve the San Francisco Bay area. Yesterday's San Franciso Business Times interviewed Kevin Snider who will head the office. Snider said: "The San Francisco region is without a doubt one of the most hostile places in the country toward religious liberties and values." PJI's website says it focuses on religious freedom issues such as "curtailments to evangelism by the government, ... students and teachers rights to share their faith at public schools [, and] ... the rights of parents ... to homeschool, review and have notice of public school curriculum and presentations, and opt out their children from objectionable material...."

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

2010 Census Again Will Not Count Overseas Mormon Missionaries

Sunday's Salt Lake (UT) Tribune reported that, as in past years, the 2010 census will not count the estimated 11,000 Mormon missionaries living overseas. The only individuals not in the U.S. who are counted by the census are federal civilian and military personnel and those on merchant vessels. A test in 2004 to determine the feasibility of counting other Americans overseas was unsuccessful. The issue is of great concern to the state of Utah. In the 2000 census, it would have been entitled to an additional seat in the House of Representatives if it had 857 more people. Instead that seat went to North Carolina, home of many military bases. Utah's court challenges to census procedures have failed. Utah v. Evans (Sup. Ct. 2002). Only Congressional legislation can change the Census Bureau's decision, and that is unlikely in time for next year's census. An alternative approach was part of the proposal earlier this year to give the District of Columbia a voting representative in the House of Representatives. The bill (S. 160) would also have awarded an additional seat to Utah. That bill, however, stalled in the House over attempts by some in Congress to use the bill to also invalidate most of D.C.'s firearms regulations. (Background.)

US Catholic Bishiops Unveil Health Care Reform Website; Oppose Abortion Coverage

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has created a new website on Health Care Reform. Zenit yesterday reported that the site includes letters from bishops to Congress, videos, statistics, FAQ's , and links to legislators. While the bishops view health care as a basic right, they raise concerns that it not become a vehicle for promoting abortion rights or reversing the present ban on federal funding of abortions. A letter on the website from Philadelphia's Cardinal Justin Rigali raises questions regarding the House bill, arguing that its provisions for individuals to pay an additional premium for plans that cover abortions has merely created a "legal fiction."

Sri Lanka Proposes Ban On Religious-Themed Political Parties

In Sri Lanka, in the wake of the government's victory in May in its 25-year civil war with the Tamil Tigers, President Mahinda Rajapaksa has proposed changes in the country's Parliamentary Elections Act. Aiming at small and regional political parties, he has proposed a ban on political parties whose names signify an ethnic or religious group. The Island today reports that the proposal calling for the Election Commissioner to deny legal recognition to such parties is an attempt to create a national identity in the multi-ethnic, multi-religious country.

Salvation Army Drug Treatment Employee Is Not State Actor

In Cain v. Caruso, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 70009 (ED MI, Aug. 11, 2009), a Michigan federal district court adopted the recommendations of a magistrate judge in lawsuit filed by a parolee who failed to complete his drug treatment program that was a condition of his parole. The magistrate judge, at 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 71692 (July 23, 2009), recommended that defendant Margaret Tursak be found not to be a "state actor" in her position with a faith-based drug treatment program operated by the Salvation Army. Defendant Tursak separately raised the defense of qualified immunity. The magistrate judge rejected that defense, finding that the policies underlying qualified immunity do not extend to staff employed by a private drug treatment center.

Tensions Increase This Summer In Catskills Between Hasidim and Locals

Last week the Forward carried an article detailing tensions in Sullivan County, in New York's Catskill Mountains, between local residents and the Skver Hasidim, a Orthodox Jewish sect currently based in New Square, New York. In 2006, the Skvers bought the 450-acre former Homowack property which they initially operated as a summer resort for their members and operated this summer as a girls' camp. In 2007 the Skvers announced plans to invest tens of millions of dollars to turn the property into a new town, Kiryas Skver, as "a twin community to the current shtetl" of New Square which the group is outgrowing. The Skvers' purposely isolate themselves from outside culture to devote themselves to "traditional Torah values." This summer, however, the girls' camp that the Skvers were operating on the Homowack site was cited for numerous safety violations and ordered closed down by the Department of Health. The camp closed on Aug. 9. The Skvers were also charged by the Department of Environmental Conservation over an oil spill, and have a large back tax bill for failing to pay hotel occupany taxes in 2007 and 2008. All of this has increased tensions between the largely non-Jewish year-round residents of Sullivan County and the tens of thousands of Hasidim who visit the area each summer.

Pagan Group's Right To Use Park For Ceremony Is Questioned

KERO News yesterday reported on a confrontation of sorts that occurred in a Bakersfield, California park last week when a group of pagans chose the park to use for their harvest ritual. Ravens Folk Kindred, a group of Odinists, apparently frightened neighbors as they raised their tattooed arms into the air. Some of the onlookers thought they were white supremacists giving the Nazi salute. A park ranger and two sheriff's deputies arrived to investigate and initially told the group that they were breaking no laws. But later the ranger with 5 deputies returned to Standard Park and ordered the group to leave.

Appeal Filed In Challenge To Texas Agency's Neutrality on Creationism

Earlier this Spring, an appeal was filed with the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in Comer v. Scott. In the case the district court had rejected an Establishment Clause challenge to a policy of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) that required its Director of Science to remain publicly neutral regarding the teaching of creationism. The Director, Christina Comer, was fired for forwarding to two listservs and seven science educators an announcement about an anti-Creationism talk that was being presented in Austin. (See prior posting.) In her appellate brief filed with the 5th Circuit on Aug. 5 (full text), Chris Comer argues that TEA's policy of equating creationism with science violates the Establishment Clause. The National Center for Science Education last week reported on the appeal.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Idaho Charter School Barred From Using Bible As Textbook

The Idaho Public Charter School Commission on Friday ruled that an Idaho charter school cannot use the Bible as one of its textbooks, according to the Idaho Press-Tribune. The Nampa Classical Academy had planned to use the Bible and other religious texts, but not to teach religion. The Commission said that Idaho's constitution expressly limits the use of religious texts. Art. IX, Sec. 6 of the state's constitution provides: "No books, papers, tracts or documents of a political, sectarian or denominational character shall be used or introduced in any schools established under the provisions of this article...." The Alliance Defense Fund had filed a legal memorandum with the Commission arguing that the drafters of the Idaho constitution had not intended to preclude use of the Bible in schools. It argues that the framers did not consider the Bible to be a "sectarian" book. [Thanks to Blog from the Capitol for the lead.]

Nigerian Police Remove Muslim Sect Members From Compound

Concerned about a repeat of religious violence that occurred last month (see prior posting), authorities in Nigeria yesterday raided the compound of a Darul Islam sect in the central state of Niger and removed some 4000 members. AFP reported yesterday that 1500 police from Abuja carried out the operation after state officials expressed concern that the existence and activities of the sect in the town of Mokwa could cause a "religious crisis." The sect members were taken to a technical college building for questioning. Members of the sect did not resist and no weapons were found.

Recent Articles of Interest

From SSRN:
Other recent articles:
  • AALS Symposium on Institutional Pluralism: The Role of Religiously Affiliated Law Schools, 59 Journal of Legal Education 125-168 (2009).

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cape Cod Town Allows Prayer Station At Beach Parking Lot

Today's Cape Cod Times editorializes on a recent 4-0 decision by the Falmouth (MA) Board of Selectmen to allow four local churches to combine to set up a "prayer station" in the parking lot at Old Silver Beach in North Falmouth. Volunteers staffing the booth can only talk to those who approach them, and no solicitation or proselytizing is allowed. Observers question whether the town has now turned the parking lot into a public forum which all others must now also be permitted to use for speech activities.

Numerous New Prisoner Free Exercise Cases Have Become Available This Week

In Berryman v. Granholm, (6th Cir., Aug. 12, 2009), the U.S. 6th Circuit court of Appeals upheld a Michigan prison's suspension of plaintiff from its kosher meal program (with the ability to reapply after 60 days) after he ordered and signed for non-kosher food. He claimed he had done so for a non-Jewish fellow inmate. Friday's New York Times reported on the decision.

Shariff v. Coombe, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 69119 (SD NY, Aug. 7, 2009), is a case challenging various prison conditions impairing accessibility of disabled inmates in wheelchairs. Among the claims was one that plaintiffs' free exercise rights were infringed because of difficulties they encountered in using restrooms while attending religious services. The New York federal district court said it doubted that the claim would survive summary judgment, but ordered plaintiffs to brief the issue first.

In Littlejohn v. New York City Department of Corrections, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 69347 (SD NY, Aug. 7, 2009), a New York federal district court rejected plaintiff's free exercise challenge to restrictions on his attending religious services while in closed custody/ protective custody. It concluded that the detention center's policy allowing inmates in this situation to be visited twice per week by clergy was sufficient.

In Benson v. Corrections Corporation of America, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 69336 (ND OH, July 14, 2009), an Ohio federal magistrate judge recommended dismissal of claims by a Muslim inmate in federal custody that his free exercise and equal protection rights were infringed. Plaintiff complained that the meals offered Muslim prisoners do not contain Halal meat, but instead are either merely pork-free, or are vegetarian and fish.

In Copeland v. Livingston, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 69564 (ED TX, June 30, 2009), a Texas federal magistrate judge recommended dismissing as frivolous a lawsuit raising a variety of free exercise and RLUIPA claims by a Muslim prisoner. Among other things, plaintiff complained about disruption of a Muslim service by correctional officers, disciplinary action against him that denied him the right to attend Muslim services, requiring Muslim services to be held in a Christian chapel, the prison's refusal to allow minimum custody and medium custody prisoners to have joint religious services, failure to provide cleaning services for inmates' prayer rugs, and monitoring of Muslim services by recording them.

In Shields v. Skipper, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 69885 (D OR, Aug. 7, 2009), an Oregon federal district court rejected a claim by a former inmate that his free exercise rights and his rights under RLUIPA were infringed when he was denied access to a Native American religious clergyman.

In Harris v. Schriro, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 70180 (D AZ, Aug. 11, 2009), an Arizona federal district court dismissed a former inmate's challenge to the Arizona Department of Corrections kosher food policy. The court held that Plaintiff cannot bring individual or official-capacity damage claims under RLUIPA and the claims for injunctive relief are moot. It also rejected plaintiff's free exercise claims under which he sought modification of the kosher diet policy to require serving kosher food in its original package and serving uncut vegetables that have not been touched by prison staff. (See prior related posting.)

In Jacobs v. Strickland, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 70563 (SD OH, Aug. 11, 2009), an Ohio federal district court accepted a magistrate's recommendations and dismissed an inmate's claim that his rights as a Sunni Muslim had been violated at the former institution in which he had been housed. It held that damages are not available in official capacity RLUIPA suits. It also agreed with the magistrate that defendants had qualified immunity and that there was no allegation of involvement of the defendants in the alleged unlawful conduct. Finally it concluded that plaintiff's claim for an injunction and declaratory relief are moot.

In Vigil v. Jones, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 70749 (D CO, Aug. 4, 2009), a Colorado federal magistrate judge ordered a pro se plaintiff inmate who had broadly alleged interference with free exercise of his Judaeo-Christianity to file an amended complaint suing the proper parties and alleging specific facts.

In Jordan v. Keim, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 70881 (SD IL, Aug. 7, 2009), an Illinois federal district court rejected a free exercise and religious discrimination claim by a Hebrew Israelite prisoner. Prison authorities in 2002 denied his request to participate in the Feast of the Unleavened Bread. The prison chaplain erroneously ruled that plaintiff's request to participate was late because the chaplain had the wrong date for the beginning of the festival. The court held that the advance notice rule to apply for special holiday observances was permissible and that that there was no discriminatory intent involved in rejecting plaintiff's application as late.

In Willard v. Hobbs, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 71244 (ED AR, July 23, 2009), an Arkansas federal magistrate judge recommended rejecting a challenge under the equal protection clause, the free exercise clause and RLUIPA by a Wiccan inmate in maximum security who complained that he was denied sea salt, an altar cloth, a ritual feather, essential oils, a ritual bell, and a special notebook or binder for creating a "Book of Shadows."

In Young v. McNeil, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 70885 (ND FL, June 11, 2009), a Florida federal magistrate judge recommended rejecting an inmate's free exercise, 8th amendment and equal protection challenges to Florida Department of Corrections' total elimination of its Jewish Dietary Accommodation Program, requiring inmates who observe kosher restrictions to instead choose vegetarian or vegan meals. The opinion concluded that the state had shown legitimate budgetary, logistical and security concerns, as well as concerns over appearing to favor certain classes of inmates. Jewish inmates had alternative meal plans available that lessened the impact on their religious observance. (See prior related posting.)

In Majid v. Fischer, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 71616 (SD NY, July 31, 2009), a New York federal district court rejected inmates' free exercise, RLUIPA and equal protection claims objecting to the type of meals served to Muslim prisoners and failure to provide separate utensils. The court similarly rejected complaints regarding the closure of a portion of a mosque at New York's Green Haven Correctional Facility.

AP last week reported on a settlement in a case brought by a former Muslim prisoner against federal prison officials in Illinois charging that guards had placed his Quran on a spit-stained floor and had mistreated him when he complained to authorities. Former inmate Hakeem Shaheed, who spent nine years in federal prison, received $48,000 in the settlement.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Principal Chosen For NY Hebrew Language Charter School

The Forward earlier this week carried an interesting profile of Maureen Campbell, the principal of New York City's first Hebrew language charter school. Campbell attended Vassar, spent a semester at Oxford, and then graduated from Columbia University's Teachers College. Yeshiva Rambam School in southern Brooklyn continues to be the center of church-state questions as critics say it is an attempt to promote Jewish identity with public funding. Questions are intensified by the fact that the school is located in a building that also houses a synagogue. Campbell, who grew up in Manhattan’s Harlem area, the child of Jamaican immigrants, however is not Jewish and does not know Hebrew-- though she insists she is going to learn the language. A significant percentage of the school's entering students this year are children either of Israelis or of Russian Jews who live in Brooklyn's Sheepshead Bay and Brighton Beach areas.

EEOC Sues Puerto Rico Hospital Claiming Religious Discrimination

The EEOC announced on Thursday that it has filed a religious discrimination lawsuit against Puerto Rico’s largest medical center, Hospital Auxilio Mutuo. The hospital refused to accommodate a male registered nurse whose Santeria religious beliefs requires him to wear his hair long. EEOC alleges that the hospital suspended the male nurse, even though it allows women nurses to wear their hair in any length.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hamas Fights Islamist Group In Gaza Over Declaration of "Islamic Emirate"

Jerusalem Post reports that fighting today in the Gaza Strip between Hamas forces and the radical Islamist group Jund Ansar Allah killed 5 and wounded at least 50. The fighting, which began near a mosque in Rafah, was triggered when Islamist leader Abdel-Latif Moussa (also known by his nom de guerre, Abu al-Nour al-Maqdessi) declared "the birth of the Islamic Emirate" in Gaza. Jund Ansar Allah apparently has links to Al Qaida. Islamists seeking to impose shariah law in Gaza are increasingly challenging Hamas, whose goals are more nationalistic than religious. The Hamas's Interior Ministry described Maqdessi as "crazy."

UPDATE: When the fighting between Hamas and Jund Ansar Allah finally came to an end on Saturday, 24 people had been killed according to Haaretz. Among the dead was Jund Ansar Allah leader Abdel-Latif Moussa whose explosive vest went off killing him and a Hamas negotiator during a stand off at Moussa's home. Also killed in the fighting was Hamas official, Abu Jibril Shimali, whom Israel said was responsible for the high-profile capture three years ago of Gilad Shalit, who is still being held by Hamas.

Court Dismisses Civil Rights Claim Against Mormon Church By FLDS Member

In Cooke v. Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 70192 (D AZ, Aug. 11, 2009), a member of the FLDS Church filed a federal civil rights action against the mainstream Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints claiming that it acted in collusion with the states of Arizona and Utah to engage in religious persecution of the FLDS Church. Plaintiff's amended complaint alleges in part that "[t]he Mormon Church has used the state of Utah [to conduct a] religious war against Warren Jeffs and his people," has "launched a successful media campaign to label us child abusers and polygamists," and "labled [sic] Warren Jeffs a terrorist [and] taken away our homes and our property."

While rejecting a res judicata defense, the Arizona federal district court dismissed plaintiff's complaint for failure to state a claim under 42 USC Sec. 1983. It found that, under the Iqbal standard, plaintiff has not plausibly alleged facts showing that the Latter Day Saints church was involved with state officials in a way that made it a state actor. However, the court indicated that plaintiff could still file an amended complaint to cure his pleading deficiencies.

British Borough Council Warns of Health Dangers In Purported Muslim Holy Water

In Britain, the London borough of Wandsworth's Council on Wednesday issued a public health alert warning Muslims of imitation holy water containing potentially lethal concentrations of arsenic. Sellers in the area claim that the bottled water comes from the holy Well of Zam Zam in Mecca. However Saudi Arabia has banned the commercial export of Zam Zam water. Yesterday's Wandsworth Guardian reported that tests showed the water, being sold in the Tooting area of London, contains twice the permissible level of arsenic and three times the permitted level of nitrates. This can be particularly harmful for children and pregnant women.

Court Rejects Challenge To Recitation of Pledge By Judge

Missouri's attorney general, Chris Koster, released a statement on July 30 praising a decision by the St. Francois County (MO) Circuit Court to dismiss a lawsuit challenging another judge's practice of opening his courtroom session with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. The lawsuit unsuccessfully alleged that the practice of Washington County (MO) Judge Kenneth Pratte, inviting those in the courtroom to remain standing for the Pledge, violates the Establishment Clause as well as free speech rights.

Muslim Group Sues Portland, Maine Over Zoning Restrictions

The Maine Civil Liberties Union announced yesterday that it has filed suit on behalf of the Portland Masjid and Islamic Center, challenging the city of Portland's zoning determination that a group of Afghani Muslims may not use a former television repair shop they purchased as a site for prayer services and religious study. The MCLU says that the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act trumps the city's zoning restrictions, pointing out that there are already eight churches within one mile of the Islamic Center's property-- none of which had to meet the heightened zoning requirements now being applied.

UPDATE: WCSH6 News reported on Aug. 17 that the city and the Islamic Center have reached an agreement that the former TV repair shop can be used for religious purposes while the lawsuit moves forward. The agreement comes in time for the start of Ramadan on Friday. Talks will continue between the two parties over possible zoning law changes.

Italian Court Bars School Favoritism For Courses In Catholicism

In Italy, an Administrative Tribunal in the district of Lazio (which includes Rome) has ruled that schools may no longer give credit for students who study Catholicism during public school "religion hours,"since schools deny academic credit to students who study other religions. JTA reported yesterday that the ruling came in a lawsuit filed by 24 secular and non-Catholic religious groups. Church leaders and some politicians have sharply criticized the court's ruling. [Thanks to Joel Katz (Relig. & State in Israel) for the lead.]

Jehovah's Witnesses Lose Challenge To Puerto Rico Controlled Access Laws

In Watchtower Bible Tract Society of New York, Inc. v. Sanchez-Ramos, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 69837 (D PR, Aug. 10, 2009), a federal district court in Puerto Rico rejected an "as applied" constitutional challenge by Jehovah's Witnesses to a Puerto Rico law that permits neighborhoods to close off access to streets by using walls and gates. Controlled access communities often exclude Jehovah's Witnesses who wish to proselytize door-to-door. The court rejected plaintiffs' speech, press and free exercise of religion challenges, finding that the Controlled Access Laws are content neutral and narrowly tailored to further an important governmental interest in preventing crime. The laws also leave open other channels of communication, such as mail, e-mail, telephone and television. The court also rejected plaintiffs' freedom of association, unreasonable search and seizure, right to travel and due process claims. (See prior related posting.)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

South African Broadcast Commission Rejects Complaint Against Radio Islam

On Tuesday, South Africa's Broadcasting Complaints Commission dismissed a complaint against Radio Islam that had been filed by a member of the Jewish community. In I and Apolakow v. Radio Islam, (BCCSA, Aug. 11, 2009), the Commission held that broadcasts which, among other things, said that Jews could not be trusted and that Zionists control the Western media, had not overstepped the bounds of bona fide religious speech. The Commission said: "Ultimately, to decide otherwise, would amount to a rejection of the inherent and often vehement differences among religions and other similar viewpoints and expressions of opinion as protected by section 15 of the Constitution." BCCSA also published a summary of its decision, and South Africa's Star reported on it yesterday.

Tulsa Mayoral Candidate Wants Creationism Exhibit Added To Zoo

Anna Falling, one of eleven candidates running in the Republican primary for mayor of Tulsa, Oklahoma, says that her top priority is placing a Christian creationism display in the Tulsa zoo. Asked about problems of crime, budget concerns and street repairs, she said: "If we can’t come to the foundation of faith in this community, those other answers will never come. We need to first of all recognize the fact that God needs to be honored in this city." Tuesday's Tulsa World also quotes Falling as saying that the next mayor needs to appoint people to city boards, authorities and commissions who will "honor God." Buzzflash has a more extensive posting on Falling's views.

Study Finds Less Press Coverage of Obama's Faith-Based Initiative

The Pew Forum yesterday released a study comparing newspaper coverage of President George W. Bush's Faith-Based Initiative with coverage of President Barack Obama's Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships program during the first 6 months of each administration. The study finds that Bush's program received seven times more press coverage than Obama's. Also coverage of President Obama's program has been much less contentious, in part because of a different political climate and other issues commanding attention of the public.

President Awards Medal of Freedom To 16 Amidst Some Controversy Over One Awardee

At a White House ceremony yesterday, Barack Obama awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to 16 recipients. (Full text of President's remarks). Among the recipients were Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Rev. Joseph Lowery. The decision to include Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and former U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, as a recipient has drawn criticism from a number of Jewish groups. As reported by the Washington Post yesterday, critics focused particularly on her role as chair of the United Nations 2001 World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa. She failed to keep the conference from becoming a forum for promoting anti-Semitic and anti-Israel bias. The White House, though, insisted it is honoring Robinson for her advocacy of women's rights and equal rights. A JTA op-ed does a good job of explaining the objections of those who oppose the award to her. However there have been some Jewish defenders of Robinson's record. (JTA).

Michigan City Rejects Anti-Discrimination Ordinance; Alaska City Passes Ban

The Jackson, Michigan City Council on Tuesday defeated by a vote of 5-2 a proposed anti-discrimination ordinance. The proposed law would have banned discrimination on the basis of "race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, height, weight, condition of pregnancy, marital status, physical or mental limitation, source of income, family responsibilities or status, educational association, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or HIV status." Yesterday's Jackson Citizen-Patriot reports that opposition centered around the sexual orientation language and concern over potential of lawsuits and added costs for business owners and employers. The proposal had been brought forward by Jackson's Human Relations Commission. An attempt ten years ago to pass similar legislation also failed.

Meanwhile, in Anchorage, Alaska, the Anchorage Assembly Tuesday night, by a vote of 7-4, approved an anti-discrimination ordinance that bans discrimination in employment, credit, public accommodations and housing based on sexual orientation or gender identity. However it contains exemptions for religious organizations. The Fairbanks News-Miner reports that Mayor Dan Sullivan has not decided whether he will veto the measure.

Vermont Town Rejects Proposed Policy On Religion In Schools

In the village of Benson, Vermont, the school board on Tuesday unanimously rejected a proposed policy on religious expression in the schools. The policy was drafted by a task force made up of teachers, administrators, parents and community members after a principal last year removed from walls students' artwork showing holiday symbols. Yesterday's Rutland (VT) Herald reported that the new policy would have banned religious celebrations in the schools, but would have permitted curriculum-related discussions of religion and the use of religious images in activities such as student art projects. One resident said the proposed policy was too complicated, calling it a document "written for attorneys by attorneys." Controversy over religious symbols and celebrations in school has bitterly divided the town.

French Swimming Pool Bars Muslim Woman Wearing Full-Body "Burquini"

In France, a public swimming pool in Paris has refused to allow a young Muslim woman to swim wearing a "burquini"-- a wet suit and hood designed for women who want to swim without revealing their body. The suits are becoming increasingly popular in the West. The AP and today's Kuwait Times both report that pool staff told the woman-- a French convert to Islam-- that hygiene rules prohibit swimming while clothed. The incident comes as members of France's Parliament hold hearings on whether to ban wearing of burqas in public. (See prior posting.) The woman involved in the incident says she will go to court to challenge the pool's decision as discriminatory. She attempted to file a complaint with local police, but they refused to accept it saying it was groundless. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]