Friday, October 14, 2005

Christian Groups Urge Support For Digital TV Multicast Must-Carry Provision

Christian religious groups and Christian broadcasters are urging their followers to contact members of Congress to encourage them to support Multicast Must Carry in the Digital TV bill that is about to be introduced into Congress. This release by Trinity Broadcasting Network is typical. Last week the Christian Coalition of America held a news conference to explain the issue.
The Chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Congressman Joe Barton, (R-TX), and Senator Ted Stevens, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation are about to introduce digital television legislation. It is believed that the House Chairman opposes inclusion of a "Multicast Must-Carry" provision which would create the level playing field that religious broadcasters need in order to survive in the digital television environment.

The federal government's mandate for all television stations to convert from analog to digital technology has opened the door for broadcasters to offer more than one channel to their viewers. Conservative, faith-based and family friendly broadcasters will be able to offer up to six channels in each city that they operate in.... "Multicast Must-carry" is the only means for ensuring the ability of the Christian broadcasters to get these new channels on digital television.... The cable companies do not readily carry the Christian networks, so this "Multicast Must-carry" law will force cable and satellite companies to put these new faith and family networks on their service.