Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Interview With Seamus Hasson On Religious Liberty

Tuesday's National Review Online carries an interesting interview with Kevin Seamus Hasson, chairman of the Becket fund for Religious Liberty and author of the new book, The Right to Be Wrong: Ending the Culture War Over Religion in America. Here are two excerpts, but the full interview is worth the read.
The biggest threat [to religious liberty in the U.S.] comes from people who think that religious truth is the enemy of human freedom — that the only good religion is a relativist one.... Practically speaking, the threat comes from lawyers, judges, and political elites who think that nativity scenes and menorahs are like secondhand smoke — something that decent people shouldn't be exposed to in the public square.... The second biggest threat is believers who let themselves be goaded into accepting the same false dichotomy between truth and freedom, only on the other side. They fall into the secularists' trap and think that in order to defend the truths of faith they have to oppose the whole idea of human freedom. Like the bureaucrats in a Cobb County, Georgia, jail who tried to prevent Catholic priests from ministering to prisoners because they were afraid some Protestant prisoners would decide to convert.