Sunday, October 23, 2005

Religion and Zoning In Rockland County, NY

The New York Times today focuses on Ramapo, New York in Rockland County. There is rising tension between Orthodox Jews in the community and other groups. At the center of current tensions are a rezoning plan for an area called Patrick Farms which will allow homes to be built on one acre instead of two. But this is part of a larger battle against ultra-Orthodox Jews and politically connected developers connected to them. Other groups claim they have a disproportionate influence in government. These residents point to neighboring Hassidic Jewish towns such as New Square, and fear that this is what will become of Ramapo. But Marlaine Paone, a leader of an effort to form a village called Ladentown to better control growth in Ramapo, says: "It's about development, about the environment, it's not about religion. I'm Jewish. Two-thirds of my organization is Jewish."