In an e-mail sent last September to the Archbishop of Bologna, Cascioli said he would drop the suit if Righi offered just one proof of the existence of Jesus. Cascioli has made many of the documents in his lawsuit available on his website. From the complaint, here is an excerpt from his explanation of the charges:
According to article 661 of the Italian Penal Code, there is an abuse of popular credulity when someone, by means of fraud, deceives a great number of people. In this particular case, the ministers of religion of the Catholic Church, like Righi in the present case, by committing historical falsity, therefore presenting invented facts as if true and actually occurred – but useful to religious doctrine – they deceive all the people that come into contact with the teachings of such religion, by inducing them to believe in that religion, not on the basis of purely theological reasoning (totally legitimate and admissible), but on the basis of a deceptive representation of the facts.