Thursday, June 29, 2006

Arizona Governor Vetoes Bill On Recognition Of College Religious Groups

Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano yesterday vetoed the Associational Freedom in Higher Learning Act that would have prevented public universities from denying recognition to student groups that limit their membership to students who hold the religious, political or philosophical views of the organization. A prior posting describes S.B.1153 more fully. Today's Arizona Republic reports that this is one of nine bills vetoed by the Governor as the legislative session ended. The Governor's veto letter (full text) seemed to suggest that she saw the bill as broader than it in fact was. She said:
Students at postsecondary institutions should not be prohibited from participating in student organizations of their choice simply based on their religious or political beliefs. A law that would permit such discrimination could lead to a host of adverse consequences. For example, if this bill became law, there would be nothing to prohibit the school football team or chess club from denying participation by Jews, Christians, Muslims or members of other religions.