Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Christians In China Continue Battles With Authorities

A number of reports are coming out of China regarding restrictions on Christian worship. Last week, Christian Newswire reported that on July 25, four well-known House Church Leaders in Sichuan were formally sentenced to 2 years "re-education through Labor". Also a number of actions have been taken against house churches in Wendeng City, including the arrest of worshippers.

Today a Reuters report carried in the Washington Post says that 3,000 Christians demonstrated against police in Hangzhou as authorities moved to tear down their newly-built church that had been constructed without official approval. Two people who were involved in the construction were arrested. The church was located in an industrial suburb where a commercial center was to be built. A local official said that the Christian group had been offered another nearby piece of land for their use. Today's New York Sun also covers the clash between police and church members, and presents a good deal of background information.