Friday, September 29, 2006

Religious Polygamists Prevalent In Upscale Utah Subdivisions

A syndicated article from the Chicago Tribune today focuses on the prevalence of polygamy in upscale subdivisions around Salt Lake City, Utah. After US. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid from Nevada, who is a Mormon, wrote Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on Sept. 12 to request a federal task force to investigate polygamous sects in the Western U.S. (full text of letter), many polygamists have come forward to defend their religious beliefs in plural marriage. They say it fulfills the mission of all Mormons to be fruitful and multiply and to ascend to the highest reaches of heaven. They decry the fact that the mainstream Mormon church in 1890 abandoned polygamy for what they see as political expediency. Experts estimate that 40,000 people live in polygamous families in the Western U.S., with most of those in Utah.