Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Two Interesting New Online Sites Created

Two new interesting websites have just come on line. The first is Faithful Democrats. In an introductory posting, Tennessee Senator Roy Herron says:

I am tired of politicians, partisans, and preachers spelling God "G-O-P." But make no mistake — regardless of how wrong they are or how false their doctrine is, they have been frighteningly effective. Now many Americans think Jesus never rode a donkey and today rides only an elephant. The truth is, God cannot be held hostage by any political party. And American Christians should not be either.

The AP yesterday reported on the Democrats' new online initiative. [Thanks to Mainstream Baptist for the lead.]

The second entry into cyberspace is a new blog from the Alliance Defense Fund (news release), called The blog has been created to focus on issues of concern to ADF, such as religious freedom in order to be able to spread the Gospel, the sanctity of human life and traditional family values. (See ADF's website.)

Both sites have been added to Religion Clause's sidebar.