Monday, November 27, 2006

Countries Object To U.S. Listing Them As Religious Freedom Violators

Uzbekistan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs last week issued a statement (full text) objecting to the country's inclusion on the U.S. State Department's list of countries of particular concern-- the most egregious violators of religious liberty. (See prior posting.) Charging that the U.S. takes a one-sided approach and uses a double standard, the statement says: "Religious toleration and forbearance have always been and remain to be the most important component of the state policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. " It concludes that the State Department's action constitutes "interference into internal affairs of sovereign Uzbekistan". MosNews covers the story. Also last week, a spokesman for China's foreign ministry registered similar objections to his country's inclusion on this year's list. (Times of India).