Friday, December 08, 2006

Defendant Sues To Reverse Sentence To 12-Step Program

In October, Mindy Gayle Offutt pled guilty in a Rogers, Arkansas state court to a misdemeanor charge of possessing a controlled substance. Trial judge Doug Schrantz gave Offutt a 30 day suspended jail sentence and ordered her to attend 12 Narcotics Anonymous meetings. The suspension of the sentence would be revoked if she failed to attend. The Northwest Arkansas Morning News reports that yesterday in federal court in Fayetteville, Offutt sued to obtain an injunction so she is not forced to go the NA 12-step program (as well as damages). She claims that the program has a religious theme and that all participants are required to pray at the end of each session. She says that the First Amendment prohibits government from forcing anyone to participate in a religious activity.