Monday, April 30, 2007

Church Sued After Member Is Injured In Ecstatic Prayer

In a Michigan state court, a jury trial begins today in an unusual negligence suit against Lansing's Mount Hope Assemblies of God Church and its pastor, Dave Williams. Last Friday's Lansing State Journal explains that church member Judith Dadd alleges she suffered a concussion and scalp lacerations, headaches, depression, fatigue and memory loss, all from a fall she took in 2002 while praying at the church. She says she answered a call to the altar, where it is common for members to collapse to the floor when they "are overcome by the Spirit of the Lord". Church ushers are supposed to be trained to catch those who fall, but no one caught her this time. Dadd is also suing Pastor Williams for defamation because of statements he made about her and her lawsuit at a church leadership rally and in a letter to some members of the congregation. [Thanks to Brian D. Wassom for the lead.]