Sunday, March 23, 2008

President Salutes Easter In Message and Radio Address

President Bush's weekly radio address yesterday (full text) focused on today's celebration of Easter. After expressing appreciation to American military troops who are away from home, as well as remembering those who have been killed, he concluded with this thank you:
On Easter, we also honor Americans who give of themselves here at home. Each year, millions of Americans take time to feed the hungry and clothe the needy and care for the widow and the orphan. Many of them are moved to action by their faith in a loving God who gave His son so that sin would be forgiven. And in this season of renewal, millions across the world remember the gift that took away death's sting and opened the door to eternal life. Laura and I wish you all a happy Easter.
On Friday, the President issued a Presidential Easter Message (full text), reading in part:
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ reminds people around the world of the presence of a faithful God who offers a love more powerful than death. Easter commemorates our Savior's triumph over sin, and we take joy in spending this special time with family and friends and reflecting on the many blessings that fill our lives. During this season of renewal, let us come together and give thanks to the Almighty who made us in His image and redeemed us in His love.