Sunday, February 08, 2009

Utah AG Discloses Contents of Some Seized FLDS Documents

Yesterday's Salt Lake Tribune reorts on a talk given recently by Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff revealing new information about some of the documents seized during the state's raid of the FLDS' "Yearning for Zion Ranch" last April. (See prior posting). Some of the documents showed that early on, FLDS leader Warren Jeffs traveled to the capitals of each of the 48 contiguous states in order to to condemn them with the wrath of God. "Priesthood letters" that were among the items in the 400 boxes seized from the Ranch disclose that Jeffs made the trips to "shake the dust off his feet in condemnation." Jeffs, who is now in jail awaiting trial, has said that "the prison walls are going to be falling down at any moment." Shurtleff says that FLDS members have not yet given up on Jeff's leadership, and expressed concern that Jeffs might excommunicate people that the state is negotiating with about settling a case involving the FLDS' United Effort Plan Trust that holds FLDS property. (See prior posting.)

UPDATE: Tuesday's Deseret News publishes additional excerpts for Jeffs' papers detailing his life on the run as a fugitive.