Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Creationist Institute Sues Texas Higher Ed Board Over Denial of Certification

The Institute for Creation Research has filed suit in a Texas federal court against the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board charging that the state agency violated its civil rights by denying it a certificate of authority to offer a masters degree in science education. The Institute says it is "the only graduate school which specializes in creationism-informed science education." It argues that without its program: "The monopolistic realities of the science education market in Texas (and in America generally) would limit creationist learners to science education opportunities from evolutionist graduate schools." Today's Dallas Morning News reports that the Institute had previously been approved by California authorities to offer a degree program, but now needs Texas approval because it moved its offices from San Diego to Dallas in 2006. (See prior related posting.)

UPDATE: Here are links to the full complaint and related documents, thanks to a commenter.