Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Ireland Will Seek More Victim Compensation From Catholic Orders

After last month's release in Ireland of a massive report on child sexual abuse over decades at Catholic institutions (see prior posting), the Irish government says that it will seek a larger share of the 1.2 billion Euros that will ultimately be paid to victims from the 18 religious orders named in the report. Today's Irish Times says that the the 127 million Euros payment agreed to by the Education Ministry in 2002 was based on the view that any abuse was intermittent. The new report shows that it was endemic. Child rights advocates say the amounts awarded to victims by a redress board have been too small and have been inconsistent.

UPDATE: The June 5 Irish Times reports that the 18 religious orders which were party to the 2002 compensation agreement with the Irish government have agreed to an audit of their assets in connection with negotiations over their contributing additional amounts to compensate abuse victims.