Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Liberty Counsel Files IRS Complaint Against Americans United

Yesterday, Liberty Counsel filed an 11-page letter, along with another 11 pages of exhibits, (full text) with the IRS seeking to have it investigate Americans United for Separation of Church and State. (Liberty Counsel press release.) Pointing to AU's recent complaint to the IRS about Liberty University (see prior posting), the letter asks the IRS to:
(1) enjoin AU from continuing its intolerable waste of tax dollars through its barrage of unwarranted IRS complaints and subsequent investigations; (2) enjoin AU from continuing its abusive attacks and selective harassment of conservative churches, groups and related organizations; (3) enjoin AU from continuing its campaign of misrepresentation to the public of the political climate in relation to the conservative church and related groups; and (4) investigate the partisan pattern of filing complaints and the partisan activities of AU to determine whether such abuses represent illegal activities that jeopardize its current tax-exempt 501(c)(3) incorporation.
In a release yesterday, Americans United called to complaint "a desperate diversionary tactic" by Jerry Falwell Jr.'s Liberty Counsel. AU executive director Rev. Barry W. Lynn says "Falwell knows full well that Americans United is rigorously non-partisan." Last year, a Houston area Pastors Council filed a similar complaint against Americans United. (See prior posting.)