Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Singapore Court Sentences Christian Couple To 8 Weeks In Jail For Distributing Gospel Tracts

Both the Taiwan News and the Straits Times today report on the 8-week jail sentence imposed by a court in Singapore on a Christian couple convicted last month in the country's first full trial under the Sedition Act. Ong Kian Cheng and his wife Dorothy Chan Hien Leng were charged with giving copies of Christian publications titled "The Little Bride" and "Who is Allah?" to Muslims who were offended by them. The couple have been distributing Gospel tracts for 20 years. Police found 439 copies of 11 tracts deemed seditious at the couple's condominium. The sentencing judge said that the tracts "have the capacity to undermine and erode the delicate fabric of racial and religious harmony in Singapore."