Friday, October 16, 2009

NY City Council Candidate Is a Neopagan Priest

Religion Dispatches yesterday reports on Dan Halloran, a Republican candidate for New York's City Council from Queens. Halloran is a practicing Neopagan. He is a priest of Theodism, a form of Norse Paganism which is a branch of Heathenism (or Asatru). Halloran says he believes in God and that faith is a cornerstone of his life. Explaining his views in a letter to a Neopagan blog, Halloran said: "I honor my Ancestors and cling to my Hiberno-Norse Culture’s Worldview. I revere my God (Tiw)- and henotheistically I may add... I have never hidden my religion—it's on my Facebook.... I've been the corporate counsel for a variety of pagan groups—and have lectured and discussed theology all over the U.S."