Sunday, December 06, 2009

Survey Released On Prejudice In Europe

YNet News today reports on a study released last month by the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence (IKG) at Germany's University of Bielefeld. The Study on Group-Focused Enmity in Europe revealed the following survey results:
  • 50.4% of the Europeans agree that "there are too many immigrants" in their country....
  • 24.5% agree that "Jews have too much influence in [country]"....
  • 54.4% of the Europeans believe that "the Islam is a religion of intolerance."
  • 31.3% agree that "there is a natural hierarchy between black and white people".
  • 60.2% say that "women should take their role as wives and mothers more seriously."
  • 42.6% say that homosexuality is "immoral".
The study found significant differences in levels of prejudice between countries-- the least was in the Netherlands and the most was in Poland and Hungary. Compared to prior years' studies, prejudice overall increased against only two groups-- Jews and homosexuals.