Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Christian Student Disrupts Muslim Worship At Nigerian University

A Christian law student at Nigeria's University of Ibadan has created a campus furor by intruding on a Muslim worship service shouting that those in attendance should accept Jesus.  Next reports that the incident occurred last Friday, the first Friday of Ramadan, at a Jumat service led by the university's Chief Imam. The female law student, Seun Bunmi Adegunsoye, entered the service dressed like a Mulim and began shouting: "Except you accept Christ in your life, you are not safe.... Allah is not God; Jesus is Lord." The University's Vice Chancellor quickly intervened to calm tensions and promised a full investigation. However the president of the University's Muslim Student Society says the incident was an attempt to perpetuate a religious crisis in Nigeria. He objects to the release of Ms. Adegunsoye to her parents, saying: "The terrorist is let loose despite the heinous crime she had committed." Muslim students are planning a protest and are demanding that examinations, scheduled to begin at the Law School yesterday, be postponed until Ms. Adegunsoye is brought to justice.