Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Minnesota Secretary of State Candidate Says No Church-State Separation Requirement Exists

Yesterday's Minnesota Independent reports that Minnesota Republican Secretary of State candidate Dan Severson has been giving interviews on conservative religious radio in recent weeks arguing that there is no requirement for separation of church and state. Here is part of his interview by Brad Brandon on World of Truth Radio Show:
Quite often you hear people say, ‘What about separation of church and state?’ There is no such thing. I mean it just does not exist, and it does not exist in America for a purpose, because we are a Christian nation. We are a nation based on Christian principles and ideals, and those are the things that guarantee our liberties. It is one of those things that is so fundamental to the freedoms that we have that when you begin to restrict our belief and our attestation to our Christian values you begin to restrict our liberties. You simply cannot continue a nation as America without that Christian base of liberty.