Friday, November 26, 2010

Atheist and Catholic Groups Compete Over Holiday Displays

A press release from American Atheists issued on Tuesday describes the latest jousting over holiday displays between the Atheist group and a Catholic organization that wants nativity scenes displayed this year in all 50 state capitols:
The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights announced over the weekend that it was purchasing and shipping the displays along with a letter to every governor claiming that the crèches would pass constitutional muster. League President Bill Donohue added that this was in reaction to a huge American Atheists billboard going up on November 27 at the entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel. The sign depicts the Christian nativity and Star of Bethlehem, declaring "You KNOW It's a Myth!"...

"The fact that the League is paying for the crèches does not automatically make them constitutional," said [AA President David] Silverman. "The governors will also have to welcome in a variety of secular displays -- and American Atheists feels that it is appropriate that they also have the opportunity to include something from Atheists and other non-believers."..... "We are offering to send every governor a placard with a reproduction of our [Lincoln Tunnel] billboard, and letter asking for 'equal time' in the public square next to the Catholic League display." ... [This will] test the commitment of state governments to Supreme Court guidelines on the matter, and free speech.
UPDATE: UPI shows a photo of the small creche that the Catholic League has sent to each governor for display in the capitol rotunda next to its Christmas tree. The League also informed each governor that its monthly journal Catalyst has published the names of each governor's chief of staff so readers can contact them if the creche does not appear.