Friday, December 17, 2010

New Swiss Policy Will Bar U.S. Missionaries

The Rexburg, Idaho Standard Journal yesterday reports that Switzerland will effectively bar all missionaries from non-European countries from serving in Switzerland beginning in 2012.  In 2002, a bilateral accord between Switzerland and the European Union provided that European nationals can enter Switzerland to work, but work permits for people from other countries were severely restricted. Then recently a Swiss court held that missionary work is "gainful employment" and so is subject to the quotas on work permits.  The restrictions pose a particular problem for the Mormon Church which has a long history of sending missionaries to Switzerland.  In August, 14 US Senators wrote the Swiss government urging that LDS missionaries be allowed to continue coming into the country, pointing out that these missionaries are not paid while on missions.  So theydo not compete with other workers nor do they receive social benefits from the Swiss government.