Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Judge Backs Off Sentencing Defendants To Read Bible Study Workbook

In Houston, Texas, a new criminal court trial judge has run into a church-state controversy only a few months after taking office. KHOU News yesterday reported that Judge John Clinton offered defendants in his court an option to community service. They could read the book "The Heart of a Problem" and return to discuss it with him in a few months. The book is a Bible study workbook that promotes victorious Christian living. After Harris County lawyers raised questions, Clinton backed off his plan. He said: "All I was trying to do was help. I was told about the book. I received the book. I read the book. I thought, 'Hey this is a great book.' Again, me thinking based on my faith, not thinking in general." Clinton says any defendant who has already been sentenced to read the book can choose something else instead.