Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Israeli Court Says Rabin Assassin Can Attend Torah Study Sessions In Prison

In Israel, Jerusalem's Central District Court yesterday ruled that Yigal Amir, who is serving a life sentence for the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995, may attend twice-weekly religious study sessions with a fellow prisoner next month. However officials are to monitor the sessions for any unusual conduct. Today's Jerusalem Post reports that this is a first step in considering easing of Amir's conditions of imprisonment. He has been in solitary confinement for 15 years. After the Israeli Supreme Court suggested in December that the state consider permitting Amir to spend some time with fellow prisoners, officials began considering the possibility of offering Amir a twice-a-week Torah study partner. They have only recently identified a possible suitable partner.  Prison officials do not want Amir integrated with certain groups of prisoner. The court will make a final decision regarding Amir's solitary confinement next month.