Sunday, August 14, 2011

Straw Poll Winner Bachman Interviewed About Her Religious Views

On today's broadcast of Meet the Press (full transcript), host David Gregory interviewed Minnesota Rep. Michelle Bachman who won yesterday's Ames, Iowa Republican "straw poll" for the Republican presidential nomination.(Full results).  Gregory and Bachman engaged in an extensive discussion of Bachman's religious views. Here is a lengthy excerpt:
MR. GREGORY: ... I want to move on to another topic that's deeply meaningful and important to you, and that's your faith in God.... I want to ask you about, not only the role God plays in, in your life but to what extent he's a motivator for decisions that you make. One example that's gotten some attention is some remarks you made back in 2006....
(Audiotape, October 14, 2006) REP. BACHMANN: My husband said, "Now you need to go and get a post-doctorate degree in tax law." Tax law! I hate taxes. Why should I go and do something like that? But the Lord says, "Be submissive, wives, you are to be submissive to your husbands." (End audiotape)
MR. GREGORY: Is that your view for women in America? Is that your vision for them?
REP. BACHMANN: Well, I--during the debate I was asked a question about this, and my response was is that submission, that word, means respect. It means that I respect my husband and he respects me.... We have a mutual partnership in our marriage, and that's the only way that we could accomplish what we've done in life is to be a good team....
MR. GREGORY: To what extent does your relationship with God mean that you take cues from God for decisions that you make and that you would make as president....
REP. BACHMANN: Well, as president of the United States, I would pray. I would pray and ask the Lord for guidance. That's what presidents have done throughout history. George Washington did. Abraham Lincoln did.
MR. GREGORY: But you said that ... God called me to run for Congress.... There's a difference between God as a sense of comfort and safe harbor and inspiration, and God telling you to take a particular action.
REP. BACHMANN: All I can tell you is what my experience has been. I'm extremely grateful to, to have a faith in God. I, I see that God has so blessed this country.... And I think that it's important for us to seek his guidance and to pray and to listen to his voice.
MR. GREGORY: Would you appoint an openly atheist person to be a member of your administration, your Cabinet or even as a judge to a court?
REP. BACHMANN: Well, my criteria, would be first of all, "How do you view the Constitution?" If you uphold the Constitution, if you're competent, and if you're--if you, if you share my views, then you can get appointed. That's my litmus test....
MR. GREGORY: OK. I want to also ask you about your interpretation of the Bible and your feelings about gays and lesbians.... 
REP. BACHMANN: Well, I am running for the presidency of the United States. I'm not running to be anyone's judge.... I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. And that's what I stand for. But I ascribe honor and dignity to every person no matter what their background. They have honor and they have dignity....
MR. GREGORY: Would you appoint a gay, an openly gay person, to your administration, to your Cabinet, or name them as a judge?
REP. BACHMANN: My criteria would be the same for that... where do you stand on the Constitution, are you competent, and do you share my views. That's my criteria....
MR. GREGORY: One last one on this. Can a gay couple ... who adopt children in your mind be considered a family?
REP. BACHMANN: When it comes to marriage and family, my opinion is that marriage is between a man and a woman. And I think that's, that's been my view, and I think that's important.... You know, all of these kind of questions really aren't about what people are concerned about right now....