Recent Articles of Interest
From SSRN:
- Steven D. Jamar, Challenges Presented to Law and Public Norms by Claims of Freedom of Religion Arising in Increasingly Diverse Societies, (Journal of Law and Religion, Vol. 26, No. 595, 2011).
- W. Bradley Wendel, Lawyering in the Christian Colony: Some Hauerwasian Themes, Reflections, and Questions, (Law and Contemporary Problems, Forthcoming).
- Michael J. Glennon, Pre-Empting Proliferation: International Law, Morality, and Nuclear Weapons, (European Journal of International Law, Forthcoming).
- Ajit Singh, Dictating Selective Tolerance or Silence in the Face of Ignorance: S.L. v. Commission Scolaire Des Chênes, (May 26, 2011).
- Sahar F. Aziz, Terror(izing) the Muslim Veil, (The Rule of Law and the Rule of God, Simeon Elsanmi, ed., University of Virginia Press, Spring 2012).
- Neo Joe Thomas, John Locke and Natural Rights in a State of Nature, (November 25, 2011).
- Vikram D. Amar and Alan E. Brownstein, Afterthoughts on Snyder v. Phelps, (Cardozo Law Review de novo, p. 43, 2011).
From SSRN-- Islamic Law:
- Munir Ahmad Mughal, Law of Sales in Islam, (November 19, 2011).
- Nor Fadzlina Nawi, Developing a Mandatory Family Mediation Program in Malaysian Muslim Society: Some Lessons for the Civil Family Law in Malaysia, (Conference Booklet - Sydney University Postgraduate Law Conference, 2011).
- Ousama Abdulrahman Anam, Users of Corporate Reporting of Information: An Islamic Perspective, (January 1, 2011).
- Jean Allain, Acculturation Through the Middle Ages: The Islamic Law of Nations and its Place in the History of International Law, (October 10, 2011).
- Muhammad Akbar Khan, Consumer Protection and the Islamic Law of Contract, (Islamabad Law Review, Vol. 2, No. 2).
- Nor Fadzlina Nawi, Family Mediation in Malaysian Muslim Society: Some Lessons for the Civil Family Law in Malaysia, (Conference Booklet - East Asian Law and Society Conference, 2011).
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