Monday, September 10, 2012

Florida Democratic County Official Resigns Over His Remarks About Christian Supporters of Israel

The Palm Beach Post reports that Palm Beach County, Florida, Democratic Party Chairman Mark Alan Siegel resigned Friday, two days after making controversial remarks about pro-Israel Christians.  Interviewed at the Democratic National Convention by Patriot Update's Scottie Hughes, Siegel-- who is Jewish-- said of Christians who support Israel:
They’re not our friends. They want Israel to pursue policies which are antithetical with its security and existence. The worst possible allies for the Jewish state are the fundamentalist Christians, who want Jews to die and convert so they can bring on the second coming of their Lord. It is a false friendship. They are seeking their own ends and not ours.
After initially saying that he would merely take a leave of absence, Siegel then resigned completely, saying: "My comments merely served as a distraction to the good work of Democrats in Palm Beach. Again, I express my deepest apologies to anyone I may have offended."