Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Atheist Material To Be Available To Florida County's High Schoolers

The Freedom From Religion Foundation announced yesterday that the Central Florida Freethought Community will be making materials on Atheism available to students in eleven Orange County, Florida high schools tomorrow. The distribution date was chosen because tomorrow is the National Day of Prayer.  According to yesterday's Orlando Sentinel, the school district's legal counsel concluded that the group should be able to make the materials available on the same terms as World Changers of Florida was allowed to hand out Bibles in the schools in February. The materials will be left on a table in the commons area for students to take. Volunteers may not interact with students. While the school district approved several pamphlets, it rejected others that the atheist group wished to make available. A spokesman for the group said they would prefer that religion be exluded from schools, but "if they're going to have a religious discussion on campus, we need to be a part of it." Friendly Atheist blog has additional details. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]