Sunday, October 20, 2013

FFRF Head Interviewed

The Madison (WI) Capital Times today published an interview with Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-founder and co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation.  She says that the Foundation is constructing an adjoining building that will quadruple the square footage of its office space. It has 13 permanent staff employees. Asked "What is the biggest misconception about FFRF?", Gayor responded:
Maybe that we’re trying to take religion away from individuals. Or that somehow if you are working to keep government neutral, that’s attacking religion. There’s this idea that religion is good, therefore why wouldn't government want to promote something good? I think it’s a myth that all religion is good, but even if it were, that’s not the place of government. Government is supposed to be neutral. It should not make up people’s minds. It’s not majority rule when it comes to matters of personal conscience. Some of this is the fault of our school system that we don’t do enough with civics lessons. People can grow up in this county with this great Bill of Rights and freedom and not understand it. That’s dismaying.