Monday, March 16, 2015

Israeli Court Tells Ultra-Orthodox Paper To Publish Ad By Party Running Women Candidates- UPDATE- Order Reversed

In Israel on Friday, a district court in the city of Lod ordered Yated Ne'eman, the largest haredi (ultra-Orthodox)  newspaper to publish at least one election ad by U’bezchutan,  a political party seeking votes of haredi women.  Jerusalem Post reports that a number of haredi media outlets have rejected ads from  U’bezchutan, the only haredi party that has women candidates on its list. Publication of print ads in the haredi community is particularly important because many ultra-Orthodox women do not have access to the Internet. The court rejected the argument of the newspaper that the ad would offend the feelings of the paper's readers. The newspaper however has appealed the ruling, so the issue may not be finally decided before tomorrow's election.

UPDATE: On Sunday night, Israel's Supreme Court reversed the district court's judgment. (Report from Yeshiva World).